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Faculty & Research
Putting your money where your mouth is – from consumer intention to consumer action

The holy grail of marketing is to establish what consumers want and then respond to that need. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? However, many consumers declare certain intentions in terms of the product they wish to buy or the kind of service they want to use but then do not follow through and translate their intention into action...

Faculty & Research
The Family Firm Mixed Gamble – When Nepotism Makes Business Sense

Preferential treatment is rarely viewed in a positive light, except for the friends or relations who are the lucky beneficiaries of a job or promotion based on personal connection rather than professional merit...

Faculty & Research
Accounting for Change – the impact of currency fluctuations and discount policies on global supplier management

The positive opportunities offered by globalisation to outsource operations to lower-cost countries can also represent a major headache - currency exchange rates may leap up and down, making the business of estimating the overall system cost for multi-site and multi-supplier projects an even greater task...

Faculty & Research
High-Risk Strategy in a Time of Crisis – the Cautionary Tale of Bank Acquisitions

There is nothing especially novel about banks adopting expansion strategies via acquisitions. However, opinion remains divided as to whether acquisitions truly create long-term value...