"Transparency is key to maintaining trustworthiness as disclosure tends to win back stakeholder faith and brand belief more quickly than caginess or, worse still, denial...
"Transparency is key to maintaining trustworthiness as disclosure tends to win back stakeholder faith and brand belief more quickly than caginess or, worse still, denial...
Companies in all lines of business want and need to anticipate the potential sales performance of their product or service. The birth and rapid rise of independent online communities of users and consumers represents a goldmine of news, views and information that enable the marketing and sales people to test the waters before launching their particular product or service...
In the ever-expanding construction industry, where opportunities for firms to tap into foreign expertise is on the rise, it is increasingly important to get joint ventures right...
The holy grail of marketing is to establish what consumers want and then respond to that need. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? However, many consumers declare certain intentions in terms of the product they wish to buy or the kind of service they want to use but then do not follow through and translate their intention into action...