In today’s globalised world, the ability to navigate and thrive in culturally diverse environments has become an indispensable skill, particularly in the realm of international business...
In today’s globalised world, the ability to navigate and thrive in culturally diverse environments has become an indispensable skill, particularly in the realm of international business...
Second-year students of the Programme Grande École at Rennes School of Business now have the opportunity to take part in a semester-long academic exchange at the prestigious University of California, Berkeley...
Motivated by recent coalition splitting events through unilateral countries’ withdrawals, we propose an alternative theory based on two key assumptions that: i) the payoff sharing rule within coalitions is not necessarily set according to any optimality criterion, and, ii) players initially behave as if the coalition will last forever...
The EFMD Accredited label is an EFMD (EFMD Programme Accreditation System) label launched in August 2019, which allows an EQUIS-accredited institution to focus on one of its programmes that it deems particularly strategic...