In the world of education, where traditional boundaries are constantly being challenged, Rennes School of Business is positioning itself at an innovative stage...
In the world of education, where traditional boundaries are constantly being challenged, Rennes School of Business is positioning itself at an innovative stage...
Thinking of studying abroad? At Rennes School of Business, you have the chance to study 100% in English in the multicultural environment of an internationally accredited school, all while living in Brittany, France!
One of the defining factors of Rennes SB is that it is an international school with over 100 nationalities on campus. With programmes taught in English, events organised to encourage students to share their respective cultures, over 350 partner universities around the world and a host of university exchanges, Rennes SB is a melting pot of cultures, points of view and languages.
In collaboration with IMT Atlantique and the Université Rennes 1, the 24th ROADEF congress was organised on the Rennes School of Business campus from 20-23 February 2023.