Student life -Where are they now? Former students from the Bachelor in Management (BiM) talk about their range of specialisations

Where are they now? Former students from the Bachelor in Management (BiM) talk about their range of specialisations

Our former students got involved to tell us about their experience during the Bachelor in Management (BiM) at Rennes School of Business.

One programme, countless possibilities

The common aim of the international exchanges, company internships, student association projects, apprenticeship/alternance contracts and double-degree programmes that are available in the final year of Bachelor in Management at Rennes School of Business is to give students the opportunity to explore different possible pathways, whilst discovering what drives them.

Depending on their strengths, interests and professional projects, several different specialisations are available in the bachelor programme in order to provide the knowledge they need to differentiate themselves in the labour market: Marketing, Finance and Logistics.

After graduating from a programme that is so rich in experience, students have the option of continuing their studies to master’s level (in the Programme Grande École), or entering directly into the labour market, in France or abroad.

Not sure about what you want to do? Check out Lisa, Jeremy and Mario’s testimonials to give you an idea of the range of specialisations open to you during and after your Bachelor’s degree

The testimonials of these different students will tell you more about the Bachelor in Management, its international orientation and the possibilities to specialise in different areas. The variety of courses available in the third year of the programme allows students to move towards a profession that is closely linked to their personal interests and the core subjects which motivate them.


Why did you choose Rennes SB?

“After obtaining my baccalaureate (ES), I decided to join a business school, specifically Rennes School of Business, for several reasons: its international connections, the fact that the classes are taught in English and the possibility of doing a semester abroad.”

Where did you do your internships and what was your specialisation?

“Another reason that I chose this School was the opportunity to carry out multiple internships throughout the curriculum. During my time in the Bachelor in Management, I had the opportunity to complete my first-year internship as a Sales Consultant at American Vintage and a second internship as a Community Manager for a hotel. In the third year of the programme, I specialised in Marketing.”

What are your future professional projects?

“After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree, I stayed on at Rennes School of Business to continue my studies by joining the Programme Grande École in the Marketing Analytics and Project Management tracks. I am currently doing my gap year and working as a Digital Marketing Manager intern for a company that sells measuring devices and services for virtual visits. Passionate about marketing, digital marketing and communication, I want to direct my future professional projects towards these areas.”

What is your best memory from your time during the Bachelor’s programme?

“Thanks to Rennes School of Business’ many partner universities, I had the chance to complete a 6-month exchange in South America. My exchange in Ecuador is therefore my best memory! It allowed me to travel to 5 countries in Latin America, meet amazing people and discover beautiful landscapes. I can’t wait to go back and find out more!”

Jeremy DAVY

What was your background before Rennes SB and why did you choose the programme?

“I arrived at Rennes School of Business directly after my baccalaureate. Before that, I did an internship at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police and I was planning a military career. Subsequently, I reoriented my professional goals and decided to join a business school with the aim of working in new technologies as a project manager or product manager.”

Where did you do your internships?

“For me, it was very important to choose internships that were linked to my future professional projects. I was drawn to the field of new technologies and finance. Following my research, I did my internships at Bose and Bang & Olufsen, both of which are audio manufacturers. I even had the chance to work for Bose for another 2 months on a short-term contract afterwards. In the second year, I spent my 6-month internship at the headquarters of Banque Populaire Grand Ouest as a project manager in financial investments.”

What specialisation did you focus your Bachelor’s programme on?

“As I am very interested in the world of economics, my choice of specialisation has been in finance. I chose this course because I could both develop my knowledge in this field and develop my marketing skills through the courses provided in the Bachelor’s programme.

In the third year, I decided to go to Prague for my international exchange. I was attracted by the history, architecture and, above all, the reputation of the university as the second-best university for finance in Western Europe. I was able to select a diverse range of courses: both more “traditional” subjects based on finance, and more technical or new technologies such as the use of bitcoin (cryptocurrency).”

What are your future plans?

“I decided to join a Master at Rennes SB  in apprenticeship/alternance format, working with an IT company as National Sales Representative/Head of innovative projects, for a period of 2 years. Then I will either have the opportunity to enter the labour market in a company with new technologies or continue my studies for 3 years in a Brevet des Métiers d’Art qualification in order to specialise in a field that I am passionate about: watchmaking.”

Do you have any anecdotes from the programme?

“Yes, the way I found my internship was quite unusual! I went to the Conquérants Bretons awards ceremony (based on local start-ups focused on the environment) without an invitation and with the aim of finding an internship. I met the Omni-channel Director of the Banque Populaire Grand Ouest who later gave me the chance to join the company for 6 months!”


Why did you choose Rennes SB?  

“After an Economic and Social Baccalaureate (ES), I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do as a career. However, I did know that I wanted to work internationally, which is the main reason that I chose Rennes School of Business, a modern school with strong international connections and which is renowned for its multiculturalism. The possibility to learn in English is a real asset to prepare you for the world of work.”

Can you tell us about your specialisation in the Bachelor programme in Rennes SB?

“The Bachelor programme is particularly enriching due to the academic exchanges and the many internships throughout the course. These different experiences helped me to focus on my choice of specialisation: Logistics, a sector that is internationally connected and always growing.

I selected internships that were linked to this field throughout my Bachelor’s degree: I did my first internship in a company that specialises in security, surveillance and security, France Survez in Rennes, and my second internship at Orange.

At the next start of the academic year, I will join the third year of the Programme Grande École, where there are many different options for orientation and specialisation. I still have time to think about it! In the meantime, I am going to enjoy the rest of my last year at Rennes SB.”

What is your best memory at school?

“One of my best memories is probably my academic exchange in Russia. A choice that may seem surprising but one which has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I chose Russia because of the university’s reputation, but also because of the challenge it represented.*” 

*testimonial collected in June 2021

Thank you to Lisa, Jeremy and Mario for their testimonials, which we hope will encourage you to join the Rennes SB adventure!
More info on the Bachelor in Management programme