A virtual concert to mark the end of the school year
Looking back at a festive, innovative and experimental event that enabled attendees to have a great evening…online!

To mark the end of the school year, Rennes School of Business organised a virtual concert on Thursday 27 May 2021. The concert gave students, Alumni and school employees the opportunity to meet and mingle, despite the distance.
At the end of the school year, many students were still completing their internships, work-study programmes or had simply already returned to their regions or countries of origin. The majority of professors and administrative staff were still working remotely. Despite the geographical distance, Rennes SB wanted to give its community the chance to come together for a virtual concert.
The digital format didn’t prevent participants from having a good time – on the contrary! Attendees found the experience to be original and amusing and were able to dance virtually as their own avatar. They even had the chance to dance with the Director General, Thomas Froehlicher. “I wasn’t expecting a dance-off with my DG!”, joked one participant.
This is a great example of the Unframed Thinking spirit of Rennes SB!
In addition to the festive and friendly atmosphere of the evening, the virtual concert was also an opportunity for the Events team to test a new remote format. 55% of School students and 95% of the permanent professors are international, meaning that this remote event format, designed by Laval Virtual, can be used in the future to organise meetings and events despite the geographical distance between students, professors, Alumni, staff, companies and partners of the school.
A relaxed and festive atmosphere
Each participant was able to create an avatar with which they could move around and interact with other spectators. They were able to watch and listen to the group Mood Sax, performing saxophone and DJ sets with different genres: pop, jazz, soul, deep, electro … the evening was brought to a close with a virtual firework display.
“It was really nice to see each other again. We had a great time. We didn’t stop moving!” another attendee added.