The student association experience in the International Bachelor Programme in Management
BIM students are becoming increasingly involved with their main association the “Bureau de la Vie Étudiante (BVE)”.

The BVE is the main association of the BIM programme and is responsible for organising all BIM student events including cultural and sporting activities, as well as integration day and the events that go on during the student admissions examinations. In order to be elected as one of the 17 members of the BVE, students from the BIM programme campaign at the beginning of the year in order to prove what makes them ideal for the role. The association’s main goal is to optimise the overall student experience, for example through the organisation of inter-cohort or inter-programme activities to strengthen the cohesion amongst the Rennes SB student community!
On top of the BVE, some of the sports activities to which students also have access include football, cheerleading, fitness, badminton, horse riding, volleyball, boxing, dance, rugby, rock climbing, basketball, swimming, handball, tennis, judo, running. Other association activities include the Team Challenge (an interschool Ecricome sports tournament) or the BVE’s UNICEF Club.
Isaac Lagadeuc, current president of the Rennes School of Business BVE student association, tells us a bit more about what this experience has brought him: “During my year as president of the BVE association, I was able to gain new management skills, accompany new students in the BIMprogramme and to acquire a lot of experience through the organisation of events. Managing a team of 17 people has made me analyse my own decisions and to take many different points of view into account, for me it has been an opportunity to meet a second family, one of which I will always have many happy memories. Through participating in this experience, I have met many interesting people and different companies, to resume it all I would say that I have found my time in this position to be extremely beneficial for my professional development.”