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Faculty & Research
2022 French reform of the crop insurance and the tools for managing climatic risks in agriculture

As part of his research on crop insurance, Guillaume Bagnarosa was contacted by the French Senate, in particular the Senator Laurent Duplomb, to provide recommendations for promoting the development of crop insurance in France...

Faculty & Research
Development of the crypto currency market

During 2021-23 Akanksha Jalan and Roman Matkovskyy launched a broad and multi-dimensional research project on the crypto market and its main counterparts to better understand their functioning, efficiency, liquidity, volatility, hedging, arbitrage characteristics, risks and behaviour, including that during the COVID19 pandemic...

Faculty & Research
Balancing economic and epidemiological interventions in the early stages of pathogen emergence

This work develops a new epidemiological-economic approach to the epidemic control of emerging and reemerging diseases. This area has become central following the Covid outbreak in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research for its large health policy implications.

5 reasons to join Rennes School of Business

Thinking of studying abroad? At Rennes School of Business, you have the chance to study 100% in English in the multicultural environment of an internationally accredited school, all while living in Brittany, France!