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Faculty & Research
The benefits of mindfulness at the workplace

The case study describes the impact of the article “Helping People by Being in the Present Increases Prosocial Behavior”, which demonstrates the positive impact of mindfulness interventions at the workplace and was co-authored by Laura J...

Faculty & Research
Improving tourists experiences in restaurants in Brittany

The research paper focuses on the social meanings of tourist’s restaurant experiences, highlighting the value of the restaurant experience for social sharing, such as celebrating a social occasion and co-creating shared memories...

Faculty & Research
Order batching in automated warehouses to reduce picking time

Research by Ramzi Hammami (Rennes SB), Yannick Frein (Grenoble INP) and Nicolas Lenoble (PhD student) has been conducted with company KLS Logistic (a developer of Warehouse Management Systems, WMS) in collaboration with several firms...

Faculty & Research
Adopting an excess-profit tax

The research by Céline Azémar (Rennes School of Business), Rodolphe Desbordes (Skema), Paolo Melindi-Ghidi (EconomiX‐CNRS, University of Paris Nanterre and AMSE, University of Aix‐Marseille) et Jean-Philippe Nicolaï (CNRS, INRAE, Grenoble INP, GAEL University of Grenoble Alpes) challenged the French and German government decision of not adopting an excess profits tax during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict...