This paper investigates why AI-based algorithms make biased decisions in complex contexts, even when data is largely bias-free. We argue that this is due to the fundamental difference between AI and human rationality in making sense of data...
This paper investigates why AI-based algorithms make biased decisions in complex contexts, even when data is largely bias-free. We argue that this is due to the fundamental difference between AI and human rationality in making sense of data...
In the world of education, where traditional boundaries are constantly being challenged, Rennes School of Business is positioning itself at an innovative stage...
The EFMD Accredited label is an EFMD (EFMD Programme Accreditation System) label launched in August 2019, which allows an EQUIS-accredited institution to focus on one of its programmes that it deems particularly strategic...
Already recognised among the top French nationali rankings, Rennes School of Business continues to climb in the international rankings, placing 60th in the Financial Times ranking of the best business schools in Europe...