The study investigates how advertising efficiency affects stock price volatility in recession and non-recession times. The study also examines how corporate advertising efficiency is impacted during economic recessions...
The study investigates how advertising efficiency affects stock price volatility in recession and non-recession times. The study also examines how corporate advertising efficiency is impacted during economic recessions...
This study investigates the impact of economic policy uncertainty on CSR decoupling (i.e., higher CSR disclosure than performance) of the US firms...
On Wednesday 22 May 2024, Le Parisien Étudiant unveiled its 2024 ranking of the best French business schools. Rennes School of Business confirms its place in the Top 10 for the 5th year running, confirming the quality of its teaching and its international outlook.
This study investigates the impact of sustainable innovation on corporate liquidity, specifically examining its influence on cash holdings among companies listed in BRICS countries...