VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Jueves 6 de Marzo (en español) REGISTRATE AHORA
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Faculté & Recherche
Visibilité des annonceurs : le défi publicitaire des applications pour smartphone

En 2012, le nombre d'utilisateurs de smartphones a dépassé pour la première fois le milliard. Au vu de ce chiffre, les annonceurs devraient se réjouir de la perspective de pouvoir atteindre un si grand nombre de prospects et de clients via la publicité déployée sur les différentes applications pour téléphones mobiles dans le monde...

Faculty & Research
When East meets West – Negotiation Strategies across Cultures

In the current business climate, cross-cultural negotiations are increasingly commonplace and frequently involve managers who have studied and worked in countries far from home...

Faculty & Research
When Push Comes to Shove – market entry strategy and its impact on performance

Trust in the strength of your own resources or follow your feelings about the state of the market? In either case, what will be the subsequent chances of high performance and long-term survival? Such is the strategic dilemma faced by all firms trying to find the right time to commercialise their products or services...

Faculty & Research
Where and How to Sell? – The Smartphone App Ad Challenge

In 2012 the number of smartphone users exceeded 1 billion for the first time. This staggering figure should have advertisers licking their commercial lips at the prospect of being able to reach so large a pool of potential customers by advertising on the various applications used on mobile telephones worldwide...