Rennes School of Business ranked No. 2 among business schools with the best student experience
Rennes School of Business has recently been named in second place of the Speak & Act 2020 ranking of business schools with the best student experience. This well-deserved recognition directly reflects the school’s commitment to the well-being of its students.

Rennes School of Business ranks 2nd in the Best School Experience 2020 rankings published by Speak & Act.
This recognition is all the more meaningful as the results are based on direct responses received from students in order to rate the schools that provide the best student experience.
The Speak & Act ranking
The Best School Experience ranking is carried out by the entity Speak & Act. It highlights the schools and universities where students are the happiest, therefore helping to orientate candidates towards the right choice for the next step of their education.
The student experience at Rennes School of Business
We believe that in order to find their way, our students must begin by feeling good on a day-to-day basis throughout their studies.
Feel Good is a new initiative put in place by Rennes SB that meets this objective thanks to its 3 main pillars:
- Health and well-being
- Ethics
- Diversity and inclusion
“Facilitating students’ daily lives, ensuring a smooth pathway and promoting their well-being are the main missions of the Student Care team at Rennes School of Business. With a single point of contact called “Aloha Square”, each student is able to ask questions, find help and be guided by an advisor. Whether on-site at Aloha Square, a hub of information and support, online via Teams or by phone, the team is there to be present, to listen and to make students feel supported, as well as providing help with essential day-to-day services.”
Loubna AZIZ, Director of the SENSe department – Rennes School of Business.