Rennes School of Business continues its path to international excellence
At the end of the academic year, Rennes School of Business is already looking towards September and has revealed several success stories, which underline the attractiveness of the school abroad.

First, the School has recruited 18 new permanent professors with 12 different nationalities. These teacher-researchers or professors bring the rate of non-French teachers to 95%. Experts in the different areas of excellence of the school, these women and men come from renowned institutions in Europe, the United States, Iran, China and Indonesia.
As Thomas Froehlicher, General Director and Dean of the School, points out: “These exceptional recruitments allow Rennes School of Business to come closer to the symbolic threshold of one hundred permanent teachers, with a view to academic excellence and multiculturalism.”
A ninth double-degree, from Lebanon
As part of its double-degree development policy, Rennes School of Business has just signed an agreement with the Université La Sagesse in Beirut, Lebanon. This type of agreement allows students of the “Programme Grande École” (Master in Management) to simultaneously have their master’s degree awarded by Rennes School of Business and by the foreign university in which they spend a minimum of one semester. There will now be 9 double-degree opportunities for students who follow this program, and Lebanon joins the list of countries which are already available: China, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan and the United States. This provides many opportunities for the hundred or so French students who go abroad every year to study or work in a company.
A new international award
Another indicator of the international reputation of the school: for the first time, U-Multirank has awarded the school with the prestigious label “Top 25 performer” in the student mobility category. This multi-criteria ranking (which is not linked to the media) compares 1,600 universities and schools around the world.
This recognition highlights the school’s ability to develop an international and multicultural curriculum, both on campus and in exchanges with the 300 major partner universities.
The School is also included in the Shanghai ranking, which is a demonstration of its excellence in research. Rennes School of Business is among the best research-driven institutions worldwide in the “Management” section. This ranking only concerns 500 universities in the world.
A stream of North American students
Two recent achievements illustrate the increase in exchanges between Rennes School of Business and the United States. First of all, Rennes School of Business has just obtained eligibility for the very restrictive American Federal Student Aid, joining a very select group of French management schools that enjoy this privilege. This status will allow American citizens or residents to benefit from federal funds to pursue studies at Rennes School of Business.
Develop the art of French language
Finally, as part of its multicultural strategy, the School will soon be strengthening its French language learning programmes for international students who spend a semester or more on its campus. Thomas Froehlicher adds: “The development of human exchanges between students must be strengthened in all ways, in all programmes and through the intense associative involvement of Rennes SB students. It is also our responsibility, as a portal of the world to our territories and as a portal of our territories to the world, to give cultural know-how to our foreign students, to enable them to build their personal and professional career in a francophone environment, during their studies and after graduation.”
So, all lights are green for the pursuit of international excellence and global impact, by Rennes School of Business.