Already recognised among the top French nationali rankings, Rennes School of Business continues to climb in the international rankings, placing 60th in the Financial Times ranking of the best business schools in Europe...
Already recognised among the top French nationali rankings, Rennes School of Business continues to climb in the international rankings, placing 60th in the Financial Times ranking of the best business schools in Europe...
Thinking of studying abroad? At Rennes School of Business, you have the chance to study 100% in English in the multicultural environment of an internationally accredited school, all while living in Brittany, France!
On the recommandation of the Executive Board and after consultation with the Supervisory Board, Chairman François Châtel has appointed Mr...
Up 14 places in 2 years The EMBA at Rennes School of Business returned to the rankings in 2022, moving up 8 places compared to the previous year...