François Chatel has helped to make Rennes School of Business one of the top 1% of business schools in the world.
François Chatel has helped to make Rennes School of Business one of the top 1% of business schools in the world.
January 2024 - Rennes School of Business is delighted to announce the launch of its 2024-2028 strategic plan. Ambitious and with a strong sense of identity, the plan aims to shape 'Unframed Leaders': leaders of a world in a state of disruption, who challenge the status quo by innovating to generate more creative, collective and sustainable global performance.
Discover the 2024 rankings of the best bachelor's programmes unveiled this morning by Le Figaro Étudiant. The Bachelor in Management at Rennes School of Business has reached the 4th position, attesting to its academic excellence and international recognition.
The EFMD Accredited label is an EFMD (EFMD Programme Accreditation System) label launched in August 2019, which allows an EQUIS-accredited institution to focus on one of its programmes that it deems particularly strategic...