Develop your network with the Rennes School of Business Corporate Days
A day for students to develop their networks, meet professionals and learn more about the different business sectors.

On Thursday 5th November, Rennes School of Business hosted the second “Corporate Day” of the year in a 100% online format. Organised by the Talents&Career department, the Corporate Days are an occasion for students to attend diverse career-oriented events such as conferences, roundtables, workshops, business games, business cases and individual coaching sessions. This edition of the Corporate Days had a strong focus on career orientation.
An integral part of the student experience at Rennes School of Business, the Corporate Days are designed to give students an opportunity to meet both company managers and alumni, whilst discovering more about working in different professions, positions, countries and sectors.
Whilst these events are usually organised in Rennes, Paris and different countries around the world, this 100% online format of the Corporate Days allowed students access to all of these worldwide events, all from the comfort of their own homes.
This edition of the Corporate Days was organised around four main activities:
- Career Workshops aimed at optimising your CV and Linked In profiles,
- An orientation Q&A session to present the different pathways of the Programme Grande Ecole and linked specialisations, academic rules and questions about international mobility,
- Round Tables with Rennes SB graduates who shared their experiences, and thematic conferences,
- A 100% online specialised recruitment forum with a focus on Supply Chain Management, Purchasing, Finance, Auditing and Data.
Some of the most popular events included:
- “My career after the MSc in International Luxury & Brand Management” with Google, SEAT, SA & Radisson Hotel Group,
- “My career after the MSc in Data & Business Analytics” with Nike, Ubisoft & Inmeta,
- “My career after the MSc in Supply Chain Management” with Toyota Motor Corporation & Nestlé.
Key figures:
- 17 companies
- 59 speakers
- 2000 students
- 31 conferences
- 72 career workshops
- 250+ interviews following the recruitment forum
- 115 internship/job offers
Stay tuned for more information on the next Corporate Day which will take place on the 28 January 2021.