Over 100 nationalities on campus: a school with an international identity
One of the defining factors of Rennes SB is that it is an international school with over 100 nationalities on campus. With programmes taught in English, events organised to encourage students to share their respective cultures, over 350 partner universities around the world and a host of university exchanges, Rennes SB is a melting pot of cultures, points of view and languages.

Rennes School of Business welcomes students from all over the world and offers exchange programmes with other international business schools and universities around the world. From Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, all the way to Oceania – every continent is represented at Rennes SB among its faculty and students.
This diversity of nationalities means that English is the school’s official language and is present throughout the campus. On top of English being used as the main language of communication among students and teachers, all of the School’s programmes are either taught 100% in English, or in a progressive mixture of English and French from the first year of study. The Bachelor in Management (BiM), for example, is available to study in two different formats: the classic track, in which the number of courses taught in English increases over the three years, and the 100% English course, in which courses are taught entirely in English from the first year.
In addition to general courses, students must also take language classes. The language of Shakespeare is compulsory, and future managers can choose several other languages as LV2 or LV3, such as Arabic, Korean, Portuguese or Russian. These language courses are offered within the School’s Way Up! language teaching framework.
November sees the International Fair, a day when international students and students who have studied abroad share their culture and experiences with the rest of the school. With discussions, games, dancing and cooking, the International Fair is an opportunity for students to discover and learn more about Rennes SB’s partner universities, either for the Winter Sessions or as part of a semester or year-long exchange program.
But it’s not just the students who embody cultural diversity at Rennes SB. The teachers, too, are part of this mix of nationalities.
From Argentina, Egypt, Japan, Slovenia… over 100 nationalities mix and mingle on the School’s Rennes and Paris campuses.
This assortment of cultures and communities, learning in English and the different languages learned and used on campus make Rennes School of Business into an inherently international school.