Graduation Ceremony 2023: another successful ceremony for the students of Rennes SB
Students from the class of 2023 received their diplomas on Saturday 17 June 2023, a day of celebration to end their years of study at Rennes School of Business.

The 2023 graduation ceremony was held at the Glaz Arena in Cesson-Sévigné on Saturday 17 June. Over 800 students were present at the Graduation Ceremony this year, accompanied by friends and family who came to support the students at this memorable event, with some having travelled several thousand kilometres to attend.
In the morning, it was the Bachelor, DBA, PhD, HBBA, Executive Education students who received the precious seal of approval, after the ceremony was opened by the school’s Managing Director, Jean Audouard. In the afternoon, after the CEO’s speech, the Master in Management, Master of Science and sandwich courses were awarded their diplomas.
An American-style graduation ceremony
Like other business schools in France, the graduation ceremony at Rennes School of Business was held in the style of an American school. With the traditional gowns, hats (and cap-toss), speeches and speeches from the Programme Directors and Valedictorians, the ceremony follows the codes of graduation ceremonies in the United States. Students are called one by one to the podium to receive their diplomas from their professors. Then, programme by programme, they all gather on the stage for a Cohort photo.
Let the celebrations continue!
Once the graduation ceremony was over, the students, along with their families, friends and some members of the teaching and administrative staff, were able to celebrate the end of their studies at the Château D’apigné in Le Rheu. The young graduates were able to enjoy their last moments as students before entering the professional world.
Being a member of Rennes SB even after graduation
But graduating from Rennes SB does not mean leaving the Rennes SB community. On the contrary! After graduating, students become part of the Rennes School of Business Alumni network: being a Rennes SB Alumni once means being a Rennes SB Alumni forever.
Over 25,000 students in over 100 countries are already part of the School’s Alumni network and benefit from the help and offers provided by the network.
Graduating from Rennes School of Business is much more than just getting a diploma, it’s the next step on the road to a brilliant career.