Financial Times Executive Education Custom 2024 : Rennes SB enters the prestigious ranking and lands in the Top 100 worldwide!
For the first time, Rennes School of Business ranks among the best schools in the world by the Financial Times in the category of custom programmes (Executive Education Custom 2024). This prestigious ranking reflects our commitment towards businesses to support them in their transformations by offering high-quality educational solutions tailored to their needs.

What is a custom programme?
“Custom programmes”, or tailor-made programmes, are courses specially designed to meet the unique requirements of a company or organisation. Unlike standardised programmes, these courses are developed in close collaboration with the client company to address its transformation challenges, improve the skills of its employees, and support its strategic objectives.
Ferrero, Eureden, Samsic, Cooperl, La Poste, Groupe Le Duff…
Together, with our clients, we have developed personalised management programmes for executives and managers as well as on cross-cutting subjects related to the culture of innovation within the company, CSR or intrapreneurship. Topics of more creative, collective and sustainable global performance directly linked to the new 2024-2028 strategic plan of the school unveiled at the beginning of the year.
Our commitment to Executive Education
Continuing Education (Executive Education) remains an absolute priority for Rennes School of Business on its two campuses in Rennes and Paris. Our goal is to continue to be the partner of companies that meet the needs of executives and managers in a professional world in perpetual change, particularly in the field of innovation and the development of Artificial Intelligence.
Among the programmes of Rennes SB’s Executive Education, the EMBA is also ranked in world’s top 100 Executive MBAs of the Financial Times, which testifies the quality and recognition of our executive training programmes for Unframed Leaders*.
*Creative and creators of new ideas (Create), influential and leaders of committed collectives (Connect), able to move from idea to action (Change), Unframed Leaders are leaders who innovate for a better world.