Unframed Talking : Ulrich Rousseau, CEO and co-founder of Wi6labs
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the teams at Rennes School of Business have gone looking for some of the most ‘Unframed’ Alumni profiles to share in its new dedicated podcast series.

The new podcast “Unframed Talking” by Rennes School of Business features talks with a range of inspiring men and women who attended the School. These exceptional members of our Alumni talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned in their careers so far, and the instances in which they thought, or acted, “outside the frame.”
In this episode of the podcast, we meet Ulrich Rousseau, CEO and co-founder of Wi6labs, a network deployment company created in 2014.
It was in 2016 that he took the plunge and joined the Executive MBA at Rennes School of Business.
He has fond memories of this programme, which has helped him in his professional life and as an engineer and has found that applying the methods learned in class has helped him develop his company. He particularly remembers Irena Descubes, a professor at Rennes SB, for her efficiency and her involvement with her students. “You see life differently after 18 months of executive MBA.”
He advises the students who would like to become entrepreneurs to surround themselves with the right people, to keep in mind that creating a company is not a sprint, it is a marathon. “You have to accept the entrepreneurial risk, dare and take the plunge!”