- Service Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Research Methodology
- Doctor of Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
- Master of Business,Graduate School of Business, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing), Monash University, Victo
- Ph.D. , 2002
Service to the Profession: Reviewer – Article / Manuscript
- 2015 – European Journal of Marketing
Service to the Institution
- 2010-2011 – College Assignments Member:Research Committee
- 2011-2012 – University Assignments Other Institutional Service Activities:Presentation to Prepas students from Poitiers
Editor: Academic PRJ
- 2014 – Journal of Marketing Communications. Member of the
Editorial Review Board
- 2014 – International Journal of Advertising. Member of Editorial Review Board
Service to the Community Member of a Committee
- 2013 – Board Member BoxHill Institute TAFE
Research Interest
- The effect of verbalised emotions on loyalty in written complaints.
- The effects of service guarantees and recovery type on service evaluations after a service recovery.
- Marketing services – service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Digital media and advertising
Work Experience
- Full Professor, Marketing Pole Area, Rennes School of Business (2000 – Present).
Intellectual contributions
Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Michelotti, M., McColl, R., Puncheva,P., Clarke, R., McNamara, T., 2021, The effects of medium and sequence on personality trait assessments in face-to-face and videoconference selection interviews: Implications for HR analytics, Human Resource Management Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12425
- McColl, R., Mattsson, J. and Charters, K., 2021, Memoryscape: how managers can create lasting customer experiences, Journal of Business Strategy, https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-02-2021-0031
- McColl, R., MacGilchrist, R., Shuddhasattwa, R., 2020, Estimating cannibalizing effects of sales promotions: The impact of price cuts and store type, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 53, 101982
- Campos Franco, J., Hussain, D. and McColl, R., 2019, Luxury fashion and sustainability: looking good together, Journal of Business Strategy, https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-05-2019-0089
- McColl, R., Michelotti, M, 2019, Sorry, could you repeat the question? Exploring video-interview recruitment practice in HRM, Human Resource Management Journal, Volume 29, Issue 4, pp. 637-656
- McColl, R., Truong, Y., La Rocca, A., 2019, Service guarantees as a base for positioning in B2B, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 81, pp. 78-86
- McColl, R., Descubes, I., Elahee, M, 2017, How the Chinese really negotiate: observations from an Australian-Chinese trade negotiation, Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 38, N°. 6, 2017, pp. 38-46
- Kitchen, Philip, Gayle Kerr, Don Schultz, and Rod McColl, 2014, The Elaboration Likelihood Model: Review, Critique and Research Agenda, European Journal of Marketing 48
- Puncheva-Michelotti, Petya, Rod McColl, Andrea Vocino, and Marco, 2014, Corporate patriotism as a source of corporate reputation: a comparative multi-stakeholder approach, Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Kitchen, Philip, Gayle Kerr, Don Schultz, and Rod McColl, 2014, The Elaboration Likelihood Model: Review, Critique and Research Agenda, European Journal of Marketing
- McColl, R. and Y. Truong, 2013, The effects of Facial Attractiveness and Gender on Customer Evaluations during Web-Video Interface Sales Encounter, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 33.
- Truong, Yann and Rod McColl, 2011, Intrinsic Motivations, Self-Esteem, and Luxury Good Consumption, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 18
- Truong, Yann and Rod McColl, 2011, Intrinsic motivations, self-esteem and luxury goods consumption, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 18
- McColl, R. & Mattson, J., 2011, Common mistakes in designing and implementing service guarantees, Journal of Services Marketing
- Truong, Y. & McColl, R, 2011, Intrinsic motivations, self-esteem and luxury goods consumption, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- McColl, R. & Mattsson, J, 2011, Lessons in designing and implementing service guarantees, Journal of Services Marketing
- Truong, Y., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P, 2010, Practitioner perceptions of advertising strategies for digital media, International Journal of Advertising
- Truong, Y., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P, 2010, Uncovering the relationship between aspirations and luxury brand preference, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19
- Truong, Y., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P, 2009, New luxury positioning and the emergence of masstige brands, Journal of Brand Management
- Truong, Y., McColl, R., & Descubes, I, 2009, Testing US advertising belief and attitude measures in France, Journal of Euromarketing
- McColl, R. & Truong, Y, 2009, The effects of facial attractiveness and gender on customer evaluations during web-video interface sales encounters, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.
- Truong, Y., Simmons, G., & McColl, R., 2008, Status and conspicuousness – Are they related? Strategic marketing implications for luxury brands, Journal of Strategic Marketing
Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship
- McColl, Rod, 2018, Moving Forward in Customer Experience Memory Research, 25th International conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and consumer Services Science, Madeira , Portugal, July 2018
- McColl, Rod , Renaud MacGilchrist, and Shuddha Rafiq, 2017, Measuring cannibalization effects during sales promotions, ANZMAC, Melbourne, Australia, December 2017
- McColl, Rod, 2015, Service Memory: Understanding its Theoretical Foundations, SARMAC 2015 Victoria BC, Canada June 24-27
- Kitchen, Philip and M Tourky, 2013, The Elaboration Likelihood Model Revisited: A 21st Century Perspective, 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
- McColl, Rod and Jan Mattsson, 2013, Thanks for the memories. Towards a model of service experience memories, Academy of Marketing Science
- Kitchen, Philip and M Leborgne, 2013, Exploring the Use of Humour in French Television Advertising and Attitudes of Practitioners Towards Its Use, 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
- Kitchen, Philip and M Tourky, 2013, The Elaboration Likelihood Model Revisited: A 21st Century Perspective, 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications
- Puncheva-Michelotti, Petya, Rod McColl, and Marco Michelotti, 2012, Exploring the nexus between corporate patriotic appeal and corporate reputation: A multi-stakeholder analysis, 17th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication
- McColl, Rod and Yann Truong, 2012, How facial attractiveness impacts web-video experiences, ANZMAC Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Adelaide, December 3-5
- MacGilchrist, Renaud and Rod McColl, 2012, Assessing the impact of alternative sales promotions on promoted products in the presence of the equivalent non-promoted product: A pilot study, 6th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Pr
- McColl, Rod, Jan Mattsson, and Renaud MacGilchrist, 2012The role of emotions and time on service experience memories, 19th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science
- McColl, Rod and Jan Mattsson, 2012, Understanding service memories, AMA SERVSIG, International Service Research Conference, Helsinki, June 7-9
- McColl, Rod and Jan Mattsson, 2011, Lessons in designing and implementing service guarantees, International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science
- McColl, R, 2011, Common mistakes in service guarantees, 18th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science
- McColl, R. & Mattsson, J, 2011, Lessons in designing and implementing service guarantees, International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science.
- Truong, Y. & McColl, R., 2010, Intrinsic Motivations, Self-Esteem and Luxury Goods Consumption, Global Marketing Conference
- McColl, R., 2009, The Impact of Facial Appearance During an Online Service Recovery, International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science.
- McColl, R., Truong, Y., & Darricotte, A, 2008, New Luxury Brand Positioning, Academy of Marketing Conference
- McColl, R., Truong, Y., & Darricotte, A, 2008, New Luxury Brand Positioning, Academy of Marketing Conference
- McColl, R. & Callaghan, B, 2008, Brand Promotion in the Global Economy is More about Country of Design, than Country of Manufacture, International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications.
- McColl, R. & Callaghan, B, 2008, Exploring the Dynamics of Customer Satisfaction Drivers, SERVSIG International Research Conference
- McColl, R., Callaghan, B., & Darricotte, A, 2008, Using Service Expectations to Segment Brokerage Clients, 15th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July, 14-17
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Case
- McColl, Rod and Irena Descubes, 2012, ‘Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System’ – Case Study”, ECCH. European Case Clearing House
- McColl, Rod and Irena Descubes, 2012, Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System – DVD, ECCH. European Case Clearing House
- McColl, Rod and Irena Descubes, 2012, Le VéloSTAR: Improving the World’s First Automated Bike Rental System – Teaching note, ECCH. European Case Clearing House
- McColl, R, 2011, Making Bikes Accessible to All?, Principles of Services Marketing,6th edition. McGraw-Hill.
- McColl, R. & Darricotte, A, 2008, Teaching and learning in an environment challenged by cultural diversity, Enhancing the International Learning Experience. R. Atfield, P. Kemp P. (eds) Oxford Brookes University.