Assistant Professor




  • Knowledge Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Social
  • Innovation Strategy


  • PhD in Business Management Ingenio (CSIC – UPV) & University of Valencia, Spain (November 2013)
  • PhD Program. Business Management University of Valencia, Spain (2010-2011)
  • M.A., Marketing and Market Research, University Jaume I and University of Valencia, Spain (2006 – 2008)
  • B.A, Business Administration University Jaume I, Spain (2002 – 2006) – Semester of study abroad at the University of Oklahoma (Norman, USA), Fall 2005

Research Interest

  • Innovation management
  • Academic entrepreneurship
  • Economics of innovation
  • Science-industry interactions
  • Social network analysis

Work Experience


  • Assistant Professor, Strategy & Innovation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (April 2016 – Present)


  • Knowledge Management, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Department of Organizations’ Management (2013, 2012)
  • Innovation Management, Academic seminar series, Department of Organizations’ Management Polytechnic University of Valencia (2013)
  • Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, Academic seminar series, University of Valencia (2013)
  • Innovation Strategy and Knowledge Management, Academic seminar series University of Castilla la Mancha (2013)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles - Discipline-Based Scholarship

Beneficiary contact and innovation: The relation between contact with patients and medical innovation under different institutional logics.

Authors: Llopis, O., & D’Este, P. Published in: Research Policy, In press. Date: 2016

Understanding the climate-knowledge sharing relation: The moderating roles of intrinsic motivation and job autonomy.

Authors: Llopis, O., & Foss, N. J. Published in: European Management Journal 34, 135-144. Date: 2016

Unraveling the link between managerial risk-taking and innovation: The mediating role of a risk-taking climate.

Authors: García-Granero, A., Llopis, Ó., Fernández-Mesa, A., & Alegre, J Published in: Journal of Business Research, 68(5), 1094-1104. Date: 2015

Satisfacción laboral, clima cooperativo y rasgos de personalidad.

Authors: Llopis, O., Fernandez-Mesa, A., Garcia-Granero, A, Marti, S, Borras, M. Published in: CEFLegal, Vol 385, pp. 185-212. Date: 2015

La gestión de la toma de riesgos como facilitador de la innovación en las organizaciones.

Authors: Llopis, O., Garcia-Granero, A, Fernandez-Mesa, A. & Alegre-Vidal, J. Published in: CEFLegal, Vol 370, pp. 195-216 Date: 2014

Investigación traslacional e innovación médica: el caso de las redes CIBER.

Authors: Llopis, O. D’Este, P. Published in: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular (SEBBM). Vol 180, pp. 13-16 Date: 2014