Dr Antonio VEZZANI

Associate Professor

Department: Strategy and Innovation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation Management


  • PhD in Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy (2011)
  • MSc. Economics and Institutions, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy (2004)
  • B.A. in Political Science, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy (2003)

Research interests

  • Economics of Innovation
  • Innovation and Technology Management
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Geography of Innovation
  • Science and Technology Policy

Work Experience

  • Assistant Professor in Economics, Roma Tre University, Italy (2019-2022)
  • Economic and Policy Analyst, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Spain (2012-2019)
  • Post-doctoral research, Interdepartmental Centre for Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Univerity of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy (2011-2012)


Service to the Institution

  • Member of the board of the PhD in Economics, Roma Tre University (since 2020)
  • Editor of the JRC Working Papers on Corporate R&D and Innovation, Joint Research Centre (2017-2019)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Joint Research Centre (2017-2018)

Service to Profession

  • Member of the Editorial Review Board of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (since 2018)
  • Associate Researcher, National Research Council (Italy)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani (2023) Digital technologies and eco-innovation. Evidence of the twin transition from Italian firms, Industry and Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2023.2213179
  • Thiago Caliari, Leonardo Costa Ribeiro, Carlo Pietrobelli, Antonio Vezzani (2023) Global value chains and sectoral innovation systems: An analysis of the aerospace industry. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 65, 2023, Pages 36-48
  • Montresor, S., Vezzani, A. (2022). Financial constraints to investing in intangibles: Do innovative and non-innovative firms differ?. The Journal of Technology Transfer,47:3; 1-32.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-020-09842-1
  • Archibugi, D., Evangelista, R., Vezzani, A. (2022). Regional technological capabilities and the access to H2020 funds. Journal on Common Market Studies, 60(4), 926-944
  • Filippetti, A., & Vezzani, A. (2022). The political economy of public research, or why some governments commit to research more than others. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 176, 121482
  • Caviggioli, F., De Marco, A., Gkotsis, P., Scellato, G., Vezzani, A. (2022). Dual use inventions: identification and characterization using patent data. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-22
  • Montresor, S., & Vezzani, A. (2022). Financial constraints to investing in intangibles: Do innovative and non-innovative firms differ?. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 47(1), 1-32
  • Gkotsis, P., & Vezzani, A. (2022). The price tag of technologies and the ‘unobserved’ R&D capabilities of firms. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 31(5), 339-361
  • Lema, R., Pietrobelli, C., Rabellotti, R., Vezzani, A. (2021). Deepening or delinking? Innovative capacity and global value chain participation in the IT industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(4), 1065-1083
  • Ghisetti, C., Montresor, S., Vezzani, A. (2021). Design and environmental technologies: Does ‘green-matching’ actually help?. Research Policy, 50(5), 104208
  • Coad, A., Nightingale, P., Stilgoe, J., Vezzani, A. (2021). The dark side of innovation. Industry and Innovation, 28(1), 102-112
  • Filippetti, A., Gkotsis, P., Vezzani, A., Zinilli, A. (2020). Are innovative regions more resilient? Evidence from Europe in 2008–2016. Economia Politica, 37(3), 807-832
  • Montresor, S., Vezzani, A. (2020). Design centrality, design investments and innovation performance: an empirical analysis of European firms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29(2), 351-374
  • Holm, J.R., Timmermans, B., Østergaard, C.R., Coad, A., Grassano, N., Vezzani, A. (2020). Labor mobility from R&D-intensive multinational companies: implications for knowledge and technology transfer. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 45(5), 1562-1584
  • Dosso, M. & Vezzani, A., (2020). Firm market valuation and intellectual property assets. Industry and Innovation, 27(7), 705-729
  • Coad, A., Grassano, N., Hall, B. H., Moncada-Paternò-Castello, P., Vezzani, A. (2019). Innovation and industrial dynamics. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 50, 126-131
  • Coad, A. & Vezzani, A. (2019). Three cheers for industry: Is manufacturing linked to R&D, exports, and productivity growth? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 50, 14-25
  • Ciriaci, D., Grassano, N., Vezzani, A. (2019). Regulations and location choices of top R&D investors worldwide. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 49, 29-42
  • Gkotsis, P., Pugliese, E., Vezzani, A. (2018) A Technology-Based Classification of Firms: Can We Learn Something Looking Beyond Industry Classifications? Entropy, 20(11), 887
  • Alstadsæter A., Barrios S., Nicodème G., Skonieczna A.M., Vezzani A. (2018). Patent boxes design, patents location, and local R&D. Economic Policy, 33:93, 131-177
  • Evangelista R., Meliciani V., Vezzani A. (2018). Specialisation in key enabling technologies and regional growth in Europe. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 27:3, 273-289
  • Castellani D., Montresor S., Schubert T., Vezzani A. (2017). Multinationality, R&D and Productivity. Evidence from the top R&D investors worldwide. International Business Review, 26:3, 405-416
  • Amoroso S., Moncada-Paternò-Castello P., Vezzani A. (2017). R&D profitability: the role of risk and Knightian uncertainty. Small Business Economics, 48:331
  • Vezzani A., Coad A., Gkotsis P. (2017). Concerns about the consequences of patenting on Scientometric research. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68:9, 2293-2295
  • Montresor S. & Vezzani A. (2016). Intangible investments and innovation propensity: Evidence from the Innobarometer 2013 Industry and Innovation, 23:4, 331-352
  • Hall B.H., Moncada-Paternò-Castello P., Montresor S., Vezzani A. (2016). Financing constraints, R&D investments and innovative performances: new empirical evidence at the firm level for Europe Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25:3, 183-196
  • Montresor S. & Vezzani A. (2015). The production function of top R&D investors: Accounting for size and sector heterogeneity with quantile estimations. Research Policy, 44:2, 381-392
  • Montresor S & Vezzani A. (2015). On the R&D giants’ shoulders: do FDI help to stand on them? Economia e Politica Industriale, 42:1, 33-60
  • Trovato G. & Vezzani A. (2014). On Illicit Drug Policies: Methods of Evaluation and Comments on Recent Practices. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 6:2, 144-151
  • Evangelista R. & Vezzani A. (2011). The impact of technological and organizational innovations on employment in European Firms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 21:4, 871-899
  • Evangelista R. & Vezzani A. (2010). The economic impact of technological and organizational innovations. A firm-level analysis. Research Policy, 39:10, 1253-1263
  • Ferrarese C., Scandizzo P.L., Vezzani A. (2010). La Matrice di Contabilità Sociale: una nuova metodologia di stima. Il Risparmio, Anno LVIII N°3

International Conferences

  • Francesco Rentocchini, Sandro Montresor, Antonio Vezzani. Walking the Green Line: Government Sponsored R&D and Clean Technologies in the US. International Conference on the Science of Science and Innovation, Kellogg Global Hub Evanston, Illinois, USA, 26-28 June 2023
  • Francesco Rentocchini, Sandro Montresor, Antonio Vezzani. Walking the Green Line: Government Sponsored R&D and Clean Technologies in the US. DRUID, Libson, Portugal, 11-12 June 2023
  • 6th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO 2022), Milan, Italy, 2022
  • DRUID 2022, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, Copenaghen, Denkmark, 2022
  • 8th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation, CONCORDi 2021. Industrial innovation for competitive sustainability, Virtual Conference, 2021
  • DRUID 2021, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics, Copenaghen, Denkmark, 2021
  • 18th Congress of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society.  Schumpeterian Perspectives on Radical Change: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Broad Societal Transformations, Virtual Conference, 2021
  • 5th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO 2020), Stavanger, Norway, 2020
  • DRUID19 (Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics), Copenaghen, Denmark, 2019
  • 7th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation, CONCORDi 2019. Industrial innovation for transformation, Seville, Spain, 2019
  • 17th Congress of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, Seoul, Korea, 2018
  • EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Conference. Claims on area: the Geography-IP interface, Bordeaux, France, 2017
  • What’s new in the economics of innovation? Theory, empirics and public policy, Grenoble, France, 2016
  • OECD Blue Sky III: Informing Science and Innovation Policies. Towards the next generation of data and indicators, Ghent, Belgium, 2016
  • 16th Congress of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, Montreal, Canada, 2016
  • 5th edition of the conference Governance of a Complex World 2016: Innovation, Employment and the Environment, Valencia, Spain, 2016
  • Forum Innovation VII – Journée Innovation 2016, Paris, France, 2016
  • IP Statistics for Decision Makers (IPSDM) Conference 2015: IP for Innovation, Wien, Austria, 2015
  • 2015 International R&D Management Conference: (Fast?) Connecting R&D, June 2015, Pisa, Italy, 2015
  • EMAEE 2015 Conference: Globalisation, Innovation and Economic Change, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2015
  • Production, R&D and Knowledge Offshoring: Economic Analyses and Policy Implications, Milan, Italy, 2013
  • 8th Knowledge Globalization Conference: Enabling Global Transitions through Innovation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
  • EMAEE 2009 – 6th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics: Evolution, Behavior and Organizations, Jena, Germany, 2009

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements


  • Evangelista R., Vezzani A. (2010). The impact of technological and organizational innovations on firms’ performances: evidence from the Community Innovation Surveys. In eds. Giovannetti G., Guerrieri P., Quintieri B. “Business Services: The new frontier of competitiveness”. Rubbettino Editore
  • Stefanoni S., Vezzani A. (2008). La valutazione dei beni ambientali nella letteratura economica. In eds. Pipitone V., Cognata A. “Valutare le risorse ambientali. L’area marina protetta del Golfo di Castellammare”. Franco Angeli
  • Vezzani A., G. D’Anna, C. Pipitone, Badalamenti F. (2008). Il valore economico dell’area del Golfo di Castellammare. In eds. Pipitone V., Cognata A. “Valutare le risorse ambientali. L’area marina protetta del Golfo di Castellammare”. Franco Angeli

Cases, Readings, Supplements

  • Vezzani, A., Doussineau, M. Woolford, J. (2021). H2020 funding: research and innovation for pandemic diseases. Science for Policy Briefs, European Commission, JRC123224
  • Dernis H., Gkotsis P., Grassano N., Nakazato S., Squicciarini M., van Beuzekom B., Vezzani A. (2019). World corporate top R&D investors: Shaping the future of technologies and AI. A joint JRC and OECD report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
  • AA.VV. (2018). The 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Vezzani A., Pugliese E., Gkotsis P. (2018). EU regions and the upgrading for the digital age. Socio-economic regional microscope series, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018
  • Moncada-Paterno-Castello P., Coad A., Vezzani A. (2018). For a Transformative Industry & Innovation Strategy. Joint Research Centre (Seville site)
  • Moncada-Paterno-Castello P., Grassano N., Vezzani A. (2017). Innovation and Industry: Policy for the Next Decade. Joint Research Centre (Seville site)
  • Vezzani A., Baccan M., Candu A., Castelli A., Dosso M., Gkotsis P. (2017). Smart Specialisation, seizing new industrial opportunities. Joint Research Centre (Seville site)
  • Daiko T., Dernis H., Dosso M., Gkotsis P., Squicciarini M., Vezzani, A. (2017). World Top R&D Investors: Industrial Property Strategies in the Digital Economy. A joint JRC and OECD report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
  • AA.VV. (2017). The 2017 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Gkotsis P., Hernández H., Vezzani, A. (2017). Significant Business R&D Growth in 2016. Industrial R&D – JRC Policy Insights, July
  • Gkotsis P., Vezzani A. (2016). Advanced Manufacturing Activities of Top R&D investors: Geographical and Technological Patterns. JRC Technical Report, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union
  • Gkotsis P., Hernández H., Vezzani A. (2016). Estimating territorial business R&D expenditures using corporate R&D and patent data. JRC Technical Report, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union
  • AA.VV. (2016). The 2016 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Ciriaci D., Grassano N., Vezzani A. (2016). Top R&D investors’ location decisions: How to succeed in the global regulatory contest? JRC Science for Policy Brief
  • AA.VV. (2015). The 2015 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Evangelista R., Meliciani V., Vezzani A. (2016). The Distribution of Technological Activities in Europe: A Regional Perspective, JRC-IPTS Technical Report, European Commission
  • Dosso M., Vezzani A. (2015). Technological drivers of R&D location. JRC Policy Brief, Spain: European Commission, Joint Research Centre
  • AA.VV. (2015). The 2015 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Dosso M., Hervás F., Vezzani A. (2015). Leading R&D Investors for the Dynamics of Innovation Ecosystems. JRC-IPTS Policy Brief, European Commission
  • Dernis H., Dosso M., Hervás F., Millot V., Squicciarini M., Vezzani A. (2015). World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Innovation and IP bundles. A JRC and OECD common report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
  • AA.VV. (2014). The 2014 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Perani G., Montresor S., Vezzani A. (2014). How do companies ‘perceive’ their intangibles? New statistical evidence from the Innobarometer 2013. JRC-IPTS Technical Report, European Commission
  • Montobbio F., Montresor S. and Tarasconi G., Vezzani A. (2014). The patenting activity of the top IRI Scoreboard Companies: an introductory note. JRC-IPTS Technical Report, European Commission
  • Moncada-Paternò-Castello P., Hervás F., Montresor S., Vezzani A. (2014). Financing R&D and Innovation for Corporate Growth: What new evidence should policymakers know? JRC-IPTS Policy Brief, European Commission
  • AA.VV. (2013). The 2013 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • AA.VV. (2012). The 2012 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission


Coad, A., Nightingale, P., Stilgoe, J., Vezzani, A. (eds., 2022). The dark side of innovation. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon: UK.