The series of disruptions from the dot-com crash and global financial crises to the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with climate threats and demographic shifts in aging and migration the notion of the Organisation in the 21st century and process of organising requires a rethink. The ambition of the center is to contribute to the emergence of sustainable, inclusive, and creative solutions for organising, managing, leading, and developing people and products. This is realised through nurturing collaborations with regional, national and international ecosystems of industry and academic partners, along with research-led education. Supported by CUT, our approach is interdisciplinary, pluralistic and involves the study of diverse organisational forms and products, with a particular focus on rethinking the development of people and organisations, organisational innovation and leadership for sustainable futures.
Dr. Petya Puncheva Michelotti – Full Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Management & Organisations, Rennes School of Business – Director of the Research Centre
Embracing Unframed Thinking underpins our philosophy as we pursue bold, innovative and impactful research across our three interrelated research strands: People and Organisational Development, Organisational Innovation, and Leadership for a Sustainable Future.
Name of the area of expertise
Rethinking Tomorrow’s Organisation (RTO)
Date of creation
February 2019
Petya Puncheva-Michelotti (petyaDOTpunchevaATrennes-sbDOTcom)
Petya has a PhD from Griffith University, Australia and over 20 years of international academic experience in sustainable management. Her research focuses on worker participation and wellbeing in new forms of organising and managing, inclusive communication in recruitment and selection, and the empowering of sustainability leaders.
Ambition of the center
The center aims to foster sustainable, inclusive, and creative solutions for organising, managing, leading, and developing people and products. This is achieved through collaborations with regional, national, and international industry and academic partners, along with research-led education.
Associated or derived Rennes SB courses
Mindful Decision-Making, Managing Diversity: An international perspective, Social Economy, Thinking Inside Out: Building Effective and Creative Teams, Creative Leadership for Sustainable Organisational Change, New Products and Brand Management, Marketing of Innovation, Development and Marketing of New Products for Sustainability, Sustainable Consumption, Sociology and Politics of Transitions; Graduating Project
Some of our academic partnerships
Australia: Deakin University (Deakin Business School); Norway: Inland University; Spain: Universitat Jaume I; UK: University of Glasgow; Slovenia: Ljubljana School of Economics and Business
Corporate and institutional partnerships
Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione (Trentino federation of cooperatives), Italy; Produit en Bretagne, France; B<>Com, France; Rennes Metropole, France; South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue (United Kingdom)
3 key figures
Claire-Lise ACKERMANN: Innovation and Product Design
Bakr AL-GAMRH: Corporate Governance-Power-CEO
Jbid ARSENYAN: Networks-Resilience
Ricardo AZAMBUJA: Boundary Work-Improvisation-Meaning of Work
Saqib AZIZ: Corporate Governance-Mergers and Acquisitions
Lara BERTOLA: Leadership-Innovation-Networks-Careers
Carole BONANNI: E-Business-Strategic Management
Dermot BRESLIN: Organisation Change-Creativity-Organisational Learning
Shubho CHAKRABORTY: Business Models-Innovation
Cyrlene CLAASEN: CSR-Governance-Stakeholders-Public-Private Partnerships
Ronald CLARKE: Social Networks-Intergroup Relations-Teams
Irena DESCUBES: Sustainability-Cross Cultural Negotiations
Ozlem DOULL: Social Networks- Consumers
Mehdi FARAJALLAH: Networks-Platforms-Strategy
Joanne GARDNER: Resilience-Risk-Governance
Cilem HAZIR: Knowledge Networks-Innovation-Sustainability
Sarah HUDSON: CSR-Ethics-Social Relations
Dildar HUSSAIN: Sustainability-Strategic Marketing-Franchising
Akanksha JALAN: Gender and governance in male-dominated occupations
Seong-Young KIM: International Business-Interfirm Relations-Networks
Clara KOETZ: Consumer Emotions-Social Influence
Madeg LE GUERNIC: Corporate Governance-Cooperation-Social Economy
Yi LIU: Sustainability-Consumer behavior
Clément LONGONDJO: Sustainability-Complexity-Entrepreneurship
Balaji MAKAM: Sustainability-Customer Engagement-Customer-Service Provider Relations
Hamid MAZLOOMI: Interfirm Knowledge Transfer-Strategic Management-innovation
Tom McNAMARA: Strategic Management
Marco MICHELOTTI: Strategy-Globalisation-HRM-CSR-Labour Relations
Ljupka NAUMOVSKA: Marketing to Children
Laura NOVAL: Ethics-Decision Making-Identity
Petya PUNCHEVA: Sustainability
Mahabubur RAHMAN: CSR-Customer engagement
Gerald-Reparate RETALI: Social choice-Gender-Healthcare
Sarah ROBINSON: Organizational Learning-Leadership-Wellbeing-Careers
Julia ROLOFF: Sustainability-Stakeholders-Ethics
Laurent SCARINGELLA: Ecosystems-Alliances-Innovation
Dirk SCHNECKENBERG: Sustainability-Business models-Innovation
Antonio VEZZANI: Innovation-Technology Management
Tunyaporn VICHIENGIOR: Consumer decision making-Services Marketing
Fan XIA: Entrepreneurship-Innovation
Canan YILDIRIM: Corporate Governance-Internationalisation
Qi ZHANG: Innovation Management-Social Networks
The research center has engaged in numerous impact projects with local, national and international organisations including
The members of RTO also have extensive research and scientific collaborations with research centers and institutions around the world.
French contribution to the project “The Role of Governments in Promoting sector specific Corporate Responsibility: a European Benchmark” coordinated by the University St. Gallen and financed by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. French budget: 6000€
ERASMUS+ (Cooperation partnerships in higher education) for the DECART project (Designing higher Education Curricula for Agility, Resilience & Transformations), coordinated by IMT Atlantique, in partnership with Reykjavik University, Vilnius University, University of KwaZulu Natal, Del Institute of Technology (Indonesia) and Rennes School of Business (400 000€) – 2022-2025
2 & 3 June 2024
We concluded two days of creative workshops focused on advancing collaborative research and knowledge sharing around the theme: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – Informal Relations and Inequalities“.
This initiative, led by our colleague Dr Cyrlene Claasen from the Centre for Rethinking Tomorrows’ Organisation, brought solidarity and insights into what we want to foster together.
Special thanks to:
Questions that stimulated our discussions:
Meditation and employee well-being by Laura Noval:
Eco-anxiety by Ricardo Azambuja
New forms of punishment and its relationship with productivity by Petya Puncheva-Michelotti & Marco Michelotti
The masculine language in job posts also stops men from applying by Petya Puncheva-Michelotti
The dangers of videoconference selection interviews and their use in AI-driven candidate selection by Petya-Puncheva Michelotti
May 2023 : Sustainable HRM and the Future of Work Webinar avec Prof Júlia Brandl,Universitat Innsbruck, Austria; Prof Marco Guerci, Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, Italy; Prof Judith Semeijn,Open Universiteit, Netherlands; Prof Douglas Renwick;Nottingham Trent University, UK
May 2023 : Paper Development workshop (PDW) with several RSB professors eand Professor Stefano Tasselli, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherland
April 2023 : Webinaire Tomorrow’s Organization (TOW) with Prof Greg Bamber,Monash University,Australia; Prof Penny Dick,Sheffield University Management School, UK ; Prof Henri Hakala, LUT University, Finland
February 2023: RTO Workshop with Mairi Maclean (University of Bath), Martin Friesl (University of Bamberg) and Chris Wickert (VU Amsterdam). To join please follow this link.
May 2022: Paper development workshop (PDW) with various faculty authors and leading editors as reviewers; Caroline Gatrell (General Editor, Journal of Management Studies), Pawan Budhwar (Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Journal) and Elisa Giuliani (Editor, Research Policy)
October 2022: Tomorrow’s Organization Webinar (TOW) with Prof Stephanie Decker (University of Birmingham), Prof Jan-Willem Stoelhorst (University of Amsterdam), Prof Joaquin Alegre (University of Valencia)
November 2022: PDW with Julia Roloff, and Clement Longjondo (authors), Sarah Robinson and Dermot Breslin (reviewers) (RSB)
December 2022: Paper development workshop (PDW) Lara Bertola (author), Sophie Hennekam and Seong-Young Kim (reviewers) (RSB)
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Dr Petya Puncheva Michelotti, Full Professor of Organisational Behavior, Management & Organisations, Rennes School of Business – Research Centre Director |