VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Jueves 6 de Marzo (en español) REGISTRATE AHORA

Green, Digital & Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management (G3D)

Green, Digital & Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management (G3D) is a multidisciplinary research centre in the field of Supply Chain, Operations, and Information Technology.

Green, Digital & Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management (G3D) is a multidisciplinary research centre in the field of Supply Chain, Operations, and Information Technology. G3D is articulated around 3 main research sub-areas which are described hereafter. Methodologically, we conduct (i) analytical research based on continuous optimisation, combinatorial optimisation, game theory, and queuing models , or/and (ii) empirical research based on real data from primary or secondary sources. The outcome of our research provides insight for practitioners improving economic, environmental, and social performance in businesses and societies.

G3D at a glance

Areas of expertise
Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, Risk Management, Digitalisation

Creation date
January 2015

Research centre director
Ramzi Hammami is Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management at Rennes School of Business. He heads the Green, Digital & Demand-Driven supply chain management (G3D) area of excellence. He worked for several years in the automotive and energy industries. Professor Hammami holds a doctorate and a Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HdR) in Industrial Engineering from Grenoble INP, Université Grenoble Alpes. He has published in the most prestigious international journals on supply chain and operations management.

Ambition of the centre
The G3D centre aims to provide decision-support models, analyses and managerial recommendations to decision-makers and practitioners in order to improve the economic, environmental and social performance of businesses and society. The centre is clearly positioned as one of the leading national players in sustainable supply chain management, the risks associated with industrial and commercial operations (purchasing, storage, production, delivery, demand, etc.) and supply chain digitalisation processes.

Associated or derived Rennes SB courses
Master in Supply Chain Management

Academic partnerships
IMT Atlantique, University of California, Riverside, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Zayed University, Sharjah University.

Corporate and institutional partnerships
KLS group, REVERSE Systems

3 key figures

  • Around 800,000 euros in external research funding from local and international institutions (ANR CONCLuDE project, SONYA European project, CIFRE theses, etc.);
  • More than 100 scientific publications in prestigious international journals.
  • 12 professors from Rennes SB are involved in the research centre.

Distinctive feature
G3D is one of the national leaders in Green Supply Chain management research. Most of our research work is applied to real problems in industry and commerce (online) and develops concrete solutions to improve the economic and environmental performance of companies.

Research axes

Sustainable Supply Chains

Our research aims to revisit operations management problems (supply chain design, production planning, inventory management, transportation management and technology selection) with the consideration of environmental and social concerns (environmental regulations, customers’ environmental awareness and social constraints). In particular, we study the following problems.

  • For companies, how to rethink the supply chain and product decisions while trading-off environmental/social considerations and economic performance?
  • For regulators, how to design efficient regulations to reduce the environmental impact of firms’ operations without eroding their economic performance and, more generally, to improve the social welfare?

Disaster & Risk Management

Our research investigates risk impacting private and public operations and disasters that occur with uncertainty affecting supply chains. Therefore, the research applications are not limited to any specific industry and can include primary (e.g., agriculture and mining), secondary (e.g., manufacturing and construction), and tertiary (e.g., retailing and public health). Fundamentally, we study research problems dealing with the following questions.

  • How should profit-maximizing organisations in commercial supply chains cope with disruptions to maintain profitability of their business affected by risk and disasters?
  • How should not-for-profit organisations (e.g., governments) secure the supply of required products and services in case of natural disasters or pandemics?

Data, Information & Technology

Our research examines how information technology, transfer technologies (blockchain) and big data affect economic activities. We basically investigate the following problems. How does information technology infrastructure affect strategic management (mergers and acquisitions, business flexibility, innovation, environmental strategy, and corporate entrepreneurship) and operational performance? How do firms learn to develop social media capabilities to innovate, and improving customer experience and performance? How do firms use data and information technology to improve the processes of data transactions, demand forecasting, and planning? More generally, what is the impact of new technologies on supply chain and operations management?


Members and research themes:

  • Tanveer AHSAN: Corporate Governance, Sustainability, Firm Performance
  • Bakr AL-GAMRH: Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
  • Saquib AZIZ: Corporate Governance, Sustainable Finance
  • Hadj BARKAT: Supply Chain Management
  • Nadjib BRAHIMI: Production planning and scheduling, Decision integration in SCM
  • Sohrab FARAMAZI OGHANI: Sustainable SCM, SC Resiliency, Facilities Design
  • Muhammad HABIBI: SC Network Design, Production and Distribution, Reverse SC
  • Ramzi HAMMAMI: Green SCM, Demand and Revenue Management, Purchasing and Suppliers Selection, Risk management
  • Dildar HUSSAIN: Social Media Marketing, Sustainability
  • Moutaz KHOUJA: Inventory management, Manufacturing, Planning and Control, Quality Management
  • Yi LIU: Information Technology Management, Data Management
  • Imen NOUIRA: Green SCM, Purchasing
  • Mahabubur RAHMAN: Marketing strategy and firm performance

PhD students:

  • Ahmad JAFARIAN
  • Fangyuan TENG


G3D projects have led to over 50 publications over the last 3 years in international peer–reviewed journals including Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, Journal of Business and Ethics, Decision Sciences, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Supply Chain Management, Decision Support Systems and Ecological Economics, among others.

  • Abdelkrim R. Yelles-Chaouche, Evgeny Gurevsky, Nadjib Brahimi & Alexandre Dolgui (2021) Reconfigurable manufacturing systems from an optimisation perspective: a focused review of literature. International Journal of Production Research, 59:21, pp 6400-6418.
  • Agi, M., Faramarzi-Oghani, S., Hazir, O. (2021) Game theory-based models in green supply chain management: a review of the literature. International Journal of Production Research, 59:15, pp 4736-4755
  • Ahsan, T., & Qureshi, M. A. (2021). The nexus between policy uncertainty, sustainability disclosure and firm performance. Applied Economics, 53(4), 441–453.
  • Ahsan, T., Bakr Al-Gamrh, Sultan Sikandar (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm-Value: The Role of Sensitive Industries and CEOs Power in China. Applied Economics, 54:16, 1844-1863
  • Ahsan, T., Bakr Al-Gamrh, Sultan Sikandar Mirza (2021) Economic policy uncertainty and sustainable financial growth: Does business strategy matter? Finance Research Letters, Volume 46, Part B, May 2022, 102381
  • Al-Dhamari, R., Al-Gamrh, B., Farooque, O.A. and Moses, E. (2022) Corporate social responsibility and firm market performance: the role of product market competition and firm life cycle. Asian Review of Accounting, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 713-745
  • Asgari, E., Hammami, R., Frein, Y., & Nouira, I. (2021). The effect of greenness- and price-based competition on a product’s environmental performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 234, 108062.
  • Aziz, S., Rahman, M., Hussain, D., & Nguyen, D. K. (2021). Does corporate environmentalism affect corporate insolvency risk? The role of market power and competitive intensity. Ecological Economics, 189, 107182.
  • Bin-Feng, C., Mirza, S. S., Ahsan, T., Gull, A. A., & Al-Gamrh, B. (2022). Institutional environment, the ultimate controller’s characteristics and CSR disclosure in China. Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 43, Issue No. 05, Pages: 1515-1527
  • Brahimi,N.,  Ali Cheaitou, Pierre Cariou & Dominique Feillet (2021) An exact algorithm for the single liner service design problem with speed optimisation, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 59, Issue 22, pp.6809-6832
  • Canhilal, K., Bakici, T., Canboy, B. (2022) Social Support through Virtual Platforms for Self-Initiated Expatriates: Exploring the Role of Online and Offline Participation. International Journal of Human Resource Management , Vol.33, issue 5, pages: 1005-1036
  • Chai, F., Mirza, Sultan Sikandar, Ahsan, Tanveer,  Gull, Ammar Ali (2022) The impact of financial flexibility and directors’ academic experience on corporate R&D investments: a quantile regression approach. Applied Economics, 54:17, 1974-1988
  • Chelly, A., Nouira, I., Hadj-Alouane, A. B., & Frein, Y. (2021). A comparative study of progressive carbon taxation strategies: Impact on firms’ economic and environmental performances. International Journal of Production Research, 0(0), 1–25.
  • Cheng, X. Linlin Su , Xin (Robert) Luo , Jose Benitez & Shun Cai (2022) The good, the bad, and the ugly: impact of analytics and artificial intelligence-enabled personal information collection on privacy and participation in ridesharing, European Journal of Information Systems, 31:3, 339-363
  • Feng, C. B., Mirza, S. S., Ahsan, T., & Gull, A. A. (2021). The impact of financial flexibility and directors’ academic experience on corporate R&D investments: A quantile regression approach. Applied Economics, 0(0), 1–15.
  • Gull, A. A., Atif, M., Ahsan, T., & Derouiche, I. (2022). Does waste management affect firm performance? International evidence. Economic Modelling, 114, 105932.
  • Gupta, S., Starr, M. K., Farahani, R. Z., & Asgari, N. (2021). Pandemics/Epidemics: Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Management Research. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
  • Hammami, R., Asgari, E., Frein, Y., & Nouira, I. (2021). Time- and price-based product differentiation in hybrid distribution with stockout-based substitution. European Journal of Operational Research.
  • Hammami, R., Frein, Y., & Albana, A. S. (2021). Customer rejection to guide lead time quotation and pricing decisions. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(6), 1358–1372.
  • Hammami, R., Frein, Y., Nouira, I., & Albana, A.-S. (2022). On the interplay between local lead times, overall lead time, prices, and profits in decentralized supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 243, 108324.
  • Hazır, Ö., Agi, M. A. N., & Guérin, J. (2021). An efficient branch and bound algorithm for smoothing the workloads on simple assembly lines. International Journal of Production Research, 59(2), 617–634.
  • Islam, T., Hussain, D., Ahmed, I., & Sadiq, M. (2021). Ethical leadership and environment specific discretionary behaviour: The mediating role of green human resource management and moderating role of individual green values. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue canadienne des sciences de l’administration, 38( 4), 442– 459
  • Kandil, N.,  Ramzi Hammami, Olga Battaïa (2022) Insourcing versus outsourcing decision under environmental considerations and different contract arrangements, International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 253, 2022, 108589″
  • Lin, J., Zhimei Luo, Jose Benitez, Xin Robert Luo, Aleš Popovič (2021) Why do organizations leverage social media to create business value? An external factor-centric empirical investigation. Decision Support Systems, Volume 151, Dec 2021, 113628
  • Liu, Y., & Hu, H. (2021). Online review helpfulness: The moderating effects of review comprehensiveness. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), 534–556.
  • Liu, Y., Jiang, Q., and Gleasure, R. (2023). Hitting Net-Zero without Stopping Flying: Increasing Air Travelers’ Likelihood to Opt-in to Voluntary Carbon Offsetting. Journal of Travel Research Vol. 62(1) 21–38
  • Mahabubur, R., M. Ángeles Rodríguez-Serrano & Anisur R. Faroque (2021) Corporate environmentalism and brand value: A natural resource-based perspective, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 29:4, 463-479
  • Nouira, I., Hammami, R., Fernandez Arias, A., Gondran, N., & Frein, Y. (2022). Olive oil supply chain design with organic and conventional market segments and consumers’ preference to local products. International Journal of Production Economics, 247, 108456.
  • Qureshi, M. A., Tanveer Ahsan, Ammar Ali Gull (2022) Does country-level eco-innovation help reduce corporate CO2 emissions? Evidence from Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 379, Part 1, 15 December 2022, 134732
  • Qureshi, M.A., Ahsan, T. (2022) Do investors penalize the firms disclosing higher environmental performance? a cross-cultural evidence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 55147–55160
  • Shahab, Y., Ammar Ali Gull, Tanveer Ahsan & Rizwan Mushtaq (2022) CEO power and corporate social responsibility decoupling, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 29 Issue 21, pp 1965-1968
  • Shahab, Y., Gull, A. A., Rind, A. A., Alias Sarang, A. A., & Ahsan, T. (2022). Do corporate governance mechanisms curb the anti-environmental behavior of firms worldwide? An illustration through waste management. Journal of Environmental Management, 310, 114707.
  • Swain, S. and Brahimi, N. (2022). Surviving disruption: nature-inspired solutions. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 682-695
  • Thevenin, S., Oussama Ben-Ammar, Nadjib Brahimi (2022) Robust optimization approaches for purchase planning with supplier selection under lead time uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research Volume 303, Issue 3, 16 December 2022, Pages 1199-1215
  • Wang, L., Xin Robert Luo, Frank Lee, Jose Benitez (2022) Value Creation in Blockchain-driven Supply Chain Finance Value Creation in Blockchain-driven Supply Chain Finance. Information & Management, Volume 59, Issue 7, November 2022, 103510


Research Collaboration:

  • Grenoble INP
  • Mines Saint-Etienne
  • IMT Atlantique
  • Zayed University, Sharjah University (UAE)
  • National Engineering School of Tunis (Tunisia)
  • Belk College of Business, Texas State University (USA)

Corporate Collaboration

  • Since 2008: Collaboration in executive education with Biomérieux company
  • Since 2020: Collaboration with olive oil producers in France and Tunisia
  • 2021: Collaboration in the executive education with Ferrero company
  • CIFRE PhD Theses with company KLS Logistics Systems, defended in 2019
  • Collaboration with Diana Food company for the ANR project on green supply chains

Project funding

  • 2021-2024 – Towards Zero-Waste and Crisis Resilient Supply Chains – Research project with Zayed University (Abu Dhabi), University of Wollongong (Dubai) and Government of Dubai (120 000 euros)
  • 2021-2024 – Operations Models and Artificial Intelligence to Manage Disasters – Chaire Rennes Metropole funded by the city of Rennes (200 000 euros)
  • 2019-2022 Uncertainties in Agribusiness – IMT Atlantique (55 000 euros)
  • 2016-2022 – CONCLude: CONception de Chaînes Logistiques avec une Demande Endogène – Research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) (350 000 euros)


Activities and news

Research seminars

G3D research seminars take place once a month from October to June. During these seminars, the area members present their main results on the ongoing research projects supported by the area.

Research workshops

The area has organised workshops with reputed invited speakers.

  • March 2022: Sinan Salman and Suzan Alaswad from Zayed University.
  • December 2019: Dr. Ou Tang Editor of International Journal of Production Economics
  • October 2019: Dr. James Marsden Editor in Chief of Decision and Support Systems and Dr. Patrick Chau Editor in Chief of Information and Management
  • June 2019: Dr. Tamer Boyaci, Senior Editor for POM and Dr. Olga Battaia, Associate editor for IISE Transactions, Omega, JMR and IJMS.
  • May 2019: Dr. Fabien Lehuédé (IMT Atlantique, LS2N)

Conference Organisation

  • 2023: Organization of ROADEF conference (Rennes)
  • 2021: Organization of APMS conference (Nantes)
  • 2019 – 2020 Scientific Sponsor of ILS 2020 conference

PhD Service

Supervision of RSB PhD students and Co-supervisions of PhD students with IMT Atlantique, ISAE SUPAERO

Research seminars with PhD participation 2021-22: Waste Food & Risk management – Salman & Alaswad: Industry 4.0 in Supply Chain Networks and Digital Technology for Resilience Management. Dmitry Ivanov; Market sensitivity to green products – Erfan Asgari


Dr Ramzi Hammami,
Director of G3D

“ G3D is among the national leaders in research on Green Supply Chain management”