VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Online - Wednesday 26th March REGISTER

Instructional and Learning Innovation (ILI)

A team devoted to Teaching & Learning Innovation
#Unframed Teaching
Supporting vibrant, challenging, and reflective student-centric learning experiences through open, active, and innovative pedagogies.

To meet the challenges of pedagogical innovation and technology-enhanced learning, the Instructional and Learning Innovation (ILI) department at Rennes School of Business supports professors, students, and stakeholders in their teaching and learning enhancement strategies. By embracing the challenges that come along with inclusion, competency-based practices, sustainability, and social responsibility as well as digital integration, ILI champions a holistic approach to teaching and learning.



Our vision

Echoing the Unframed values of Rennes SB and the School’s strategic plan, ILI embraces the research on learning, catalyses innovative instructional practices, and creates learning environments where all students perform at their highest potential, engaging them in rigorous and relevant learning opportunities that promote academic, physical, and emotional growth.​

Our actions

  • Develop ongoing professional development plans for professors.
  • Partner with stakeholders to design innovative teaching and learning experiences.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of educational projects.
  • Create resources to help students enhance their learning experience.
  • Create conducive and innovative learning environments.
  • Recognise achievements and confer awards.
  • Use learning analytics for insights and improvements.

Our values

Freedom in Pedagogical Thinking

Empowering students and professors alike to envision new possibilities in teaching and learning.

Creativity as the Essence of Pedagogy

Creating innovative teaching models that align with the dynamic needs of contemporary education.

Boldness in Educational Exploration

Exploring unchartered territories and redefining the possibilities of teaching and learning.

Humility in Learning and Adapting

Promoting a culture of pedagogical innovation that acknowledges the right to be wrong, learns from failure, and bounces back with resilience.

Openness to Inspiration in Education

Combining the Test-and-learn approach with Design-Based Research methods to ensure a dynamic, inclusive approach.

Teaching and learning at Rennes SB


ILI champions active pedagogy through three core principles: learning by doing, encouraging hands-on experience with internships in renowned companies; learning by challenging, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving; and learning by serving, promoting real-world application with student involvement in school association.

To form future leaders, the school committed to a philosophy grounded in inclusive pedagogy ensuring adaptive learning, diverse evidenced-based teaching methods (research-led), and multidisciplinary projects. This approach fosters an environment where students from diverse backgrounds engage in collaborative, cross-disciplinary endeavors, nurturing well-rounded competencies essential for tomorrow’s leaders.


Student learning support

The overarching goal is to implement a competency-based approach, fostering a dynamic academic environment where students actively engage in hands-on experiences, critical thinking, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

In harmony with RSB’s core competencies, shaping students into cross-innovators, global-minded leaders, and responsible individuals— ILI introduces elective online modules to enrich their programmes. These modules aim to assist students in reviewing and cultivating their curiosity about cross-curricular skills, fostering their desire to explore further.

The department’s approach involves effective time and information management, individually or in groups. It encompasses a deep awareness of one’s learning process and needs, the capability to identify available opportunities, and the resilience to overcome obstacles.

ILI conducts sessions for students during orientation weeks. These sessions aim to introduce RSB’s targeted competencies, focusing on developing essential skills such as professional communication, collaborative aptitude, management skills, and digital/media/information literacy, along with fostering autonomy and initiative.

Large-scale projects are coordinated with the Career Centre & Well Being division, such as the “Career Passport”, a tool developed to help students build their personal branding, question their practices and support their professional integration.

ILI also emphasises and promotes technology-enhanced learning. The first step is to set artificial intelligence challenges to point out the importance of thinking critically about the emergence of generative AI.

Une formation centrée sur l’étudiant à Rennes SB

Technology-enhanced learning

Teaching & learning at Rennes SB is guided by pedagogical principles where technology is seen as a means and not as a goal. It is crucial to not focus on which technologies are available but on how they are implemented in a sustainable, pedagogical, ethical, and accountable manner. Core technologies are widely adopted and become an essential part of academic environments (LMS, communication and collaborative tools, office software…). Peripheral technologies include requests from the test and learn (virtual reality).

Digital tools provide added pedagogical value insofar as they enable the implementation of activities other than those permitted by traditional resources.

Three major potential added-value features have been identified:

  • Flexibility of place, time, and duration of learning (eLive);
  • Diversity of learning methods, assessment modalities, and content (podcasts, micro-learning);
  • Platforms ergonomics designed to encourage collaboration between the various players involved in learning (interactive content design software), and thus increase students’ commitment to their training. The school encourages technologies to contribute to active teaching methods like game-based learning (simulation platforms) and peer learning.

Innovative learning environments

LE LAB’ is an experimental learning laboratory designed to lead the way for active & innovative physical learning spaces on the Rennes campus.
Enhanced with interactive, connected digital screens, specialized learning materials, and exclusive flexible furniture, LE LAB’ stands as an immersive learning space, catering to the diverse needs of teaching and learning while fostering collective intelligence.

Un espace d’apprentissage unique à Rennes School of Business
Within this innovative space, the department aims to:

  • Assist professors in exploring new teaching and learning methodologies within an adaptable and modular environment, promoting inspirational and inclusive pedagogy.
  • Empower students to actively engage in their learning through a practice-based environment, cultivating critical thinking, creativity, or decision-making skills.
  • Use this space as a source of inspiration for the prototyping of future learning spaces at Rennes School of Business.

Rennes School of Business also offers a library of educational games designed to elevate the learning experience. The diverse repertoire includes board games, Lego sets, and much more. Professors at Rennes School of Business can rely on these tools to cultivate a dynamic and engaging learning environment, exemplified by methods such as the Lego Serious Play approach.

Logo learning lab network

Rennes School of Business is also joining the LearningLab Network to set up a process for obtaining the LearningLab Network label, which is awarded when a space has obtained the network’s 7 badges, certifying the quality of teaching practices, quality of learning space facilities, etc.

Find out more about the label here (website in French only).


Unframed Teaching Seminar (UTS)

The Unframed Teaching Seminar (UTS) is one of the key strategies to instill a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth among the teaching community.
This event aims to provide a platform where participants can:

  • Explore various professional development opportunities to learn and innovate.
  • Foster collaboration, share ideas and appreciate effective teaching practices.
  • Be inspired by new technologies and digital tools to enhance student’s learning experience and enable them to meet the challenges of digital integration in the business world.
  • Engage in reflective practice, seeking valuable feedback and support from peers and experts.

To find out more about this event, click here:

Recognition and Awards

Rennes School of Business is driven to encourage innovation and promote academic excellence as key priorities. The ILI and Faculty are deeply engaged in this mission, placing the challenges of innovative teaching, and learning methods at the heart of our educational approach.

To recognize and celebrate those who actively contribute to this dynamic, Rennes School of Business establishes a culture of achievement appreciation. It recognizes and encourages the teaching community to continually push the boundaries of academic excellence and pedagogical innovation.

By prioritizing these values, ILI works to create a dynamic learning environment that inspires both professors and students to excel and embrace the evolving landscape of education at Rennes School of Business.

Pedagogical Innovation Award

This individual award celebrates innovation in teaching methods, curriculum, or any other aspect of running a teaching programme that feels particularly ground-breaking and should be rewarded for its ingenuity and creativity.

Teaching Excellence Award

The Teaching Excellence Award is meant to recognize and reward faculty members for their achievements in pedagogy.

Les lauréats de Rennes 2023, Séminaire Unframed Teaching (UTS)

The 2023 prize winners

Our team

Dare to learn differently, to undertake differently.



Deeply involved in pedagogical transformations for several years, my daily mission is to play an active role in developing a culture of pedagogical innovation at Rennes SB. Working closely with the faculty and a team of pedagogical engineers, I am constantly exploring best pedagogical practices and emerging technologies to enrich the learning experience of our students.
#ProjectManagement #HybridLearning #StrategicPlanning #GameBasedLearning #CompetencyBasedApproach



Elodie-Denot-Rennes School of Business-ILIELODIE DENOT

One of my main commitments is to develop innovative learning environments, designed to fit the specific needs of each learner.

Perpetually on the lookout for new practices in innovative and digital pedagogy, I am also actively involved in coordinating innovative pedagogical events.
#LearningEnvironments #LearningLabNetwork #Inclusion #InspiringEvents





My mission encompasses course design, gamification, and active monitoring of educational technologies in response to projects aimed at contributing to the pedagogical development of the school.
#InstructionalDesign #Gamification #Moodle #Digitaltools





With a focus on learning analytics, I explore data-driven insights to enhance pedagogic methodologies.

My contributions extend to conducting scientific research, and continuously monitoring advancements in teaching practices.
#CognitiveSciences #LearningAnalytics #AI #VirtualReality



“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow. (John Dewey)”
Any questions about ILI? Get in Touch!
Jose Parra - Pedagogical Innovation Manager - Instructional & Learning Innovation -