Faculty & Research -Rennes School of Business and Southampton University sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Rennes School of Business and Southampton University sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Rennes School of Business and Southampton University (UK) have recently formalised their ongoing collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The focus of this strategic initiative is on academic exchanges, joint research, and teaching cooperation. Specifically, the collaboration aims to advance research in the field of financial innovations, with digital finance as a central theme.

The “Financial Market and Corporate Outcomes” Research Centre at Rennes School of Business and the Centre for Digital Finance at Southampton University (UK) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, formalising the ongoing collaboration between the two establishments.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between two schools or universities is a formal agreement outlining a partnership’s terms and objectives. This non-binding document specifies areas of collaboration such as student exchange programmes, joint research initiatives, and shared resources. At Rennes School of Business, an MoU with another institution facilitates cross-cultural experiences, broadens academic opportunities and enhances research capabilities. Such partnerships enrich the educational environment, providing students and faculty with diverse perspectives and advanced learning experiences.

This particular MoU focuses on developing academic exchanges and cooperation in teaching and research. This initiative aims to advance research and disseminate results, particularly in the broad field of financial innovations, emphasising digital finance as a starting point.

Students, researchers, and practitioners can look forward to impactful research and cross-border learning experiences.

More information about the “Financial Market and Corporate Outcomes” Research Centre