VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Online - Wednesday 12th February REGISTER


By offering internship opportunities to Rennes School of Business students, companies can take on talented individuals to help them target national and international markets, launch new products, develop communication media or implement decision-making tools. Depending on the programme, Rennes SB internships run for a duration of 2-12 months.

Internship opportunities at Rennes School of Business

  • Typical student profile

Students in their final year of study (Bac +5), working in one or more of their major subjects.

  • Typical placement missions

As part of their mission, students analyse a specific topic decided on by the business, then put forward well-reasoned, documented and objective observations and develop operational recommendations in the form of a report presented to the company.


Examples of missions entrusted to interns:

Human Resources:

  • Payroll management (development of a policy for sales personnel).
  • Job descriptions (implemented as part of work organisation change).
  • Internal communication (implementation of tools within a site).
  • Integration of people with disabilities (consultation on the implementation of an AGEFIPH agreement, drawing up job descriptions etc.).
  • Boosting social dialogue (relations with the works council and personnel representatives).
  • Crisis analysis and social dialogue consultation.
  • Career management (development of a scheme).
  • Assessment interview (implementation).
  • Training plan (within the context of changing business activity).

Management Control:

  • Budgetary processes (reducing problem areas, use of forecasting tools)
  • Collaboration between managers and auditors (priorities, feedback and discussions of figures etc.)
  • Crisis: measures for cash flow auditing and risk monitoring
  • Reports (tailored to the needs of recipients and to reflect organisational changes)
  • The professionalisation of management control in small Businesses
  • Quality and exhaustiveness of information received by the management controller (e.g. on purchases, stocks management, production)


Regular missions are organised every year between September and December for groups of four to five students who work for a total of 250 hours. All students must then write a dissertation to be defended in front of a panel consisting of a faculty member and a representative from the business.
Deadline for project submission: July – August


Typical student profile

  • International students
    Duration of placement: 6 months, starting from May.
    International students (BAC +3 minimum) are accepted onto our master’s (conversion and specialisation masters) programmes. These students will be in a position to contribute to a company’s international development by applying their skills, open-minded outlook and knowledge of their native country.
  • Final-year students
    Duration of placement: 6 months, starting from May.
    Following their final year specialising in one of their major subjects, PGE students have a level of expertise equivalent to that of a junior operational manager. For 10 months, they will have been developing both their career plan and their strategy for finding employment, under the supervision of a business manager. They will also have decided on their end-of-studies dissertation title in line with their chosen activity sector and role. They are capable of dealing with and analysing complex, cross-disciplinary business issues and putting forward practical and relevant recommendations in all areas of business management, from sales through to logistics, including marketing, finance, auditing and management control etc.

    • Gap year students
      Duration of placement: 6 to 12 months, starting from May.
      After 4 study semesters, including one spent abroad, most of our students opt for a year out working full time in a business. Depending on their subject of specialisation, students typically look to carry out placements in the following areas of management: marketing, communication, sales, purchasing, HR, management control, finance, auditing, project management and logistics, …
  • Short placements
    Duration of placement: 2/3 months, starting from May.
    PGE students will have finished their first year of studies (Bac +3) during which they will have put their skills and knowledge into practice within the shielded environment of our student associations. They must then carry out a work placement of a predominantly commercial nature, with a strong focus on customer relations and write a placement dissertation about the business sector and the sales department.
  • Regulatory situation
    Under the tripartite work placement agreement, students retain their student status in accordance with the charter of April 2006 governing student business work placements.
    The student’s missions must be approved by the educational supervisor from Rennes School of Business.

In writing an applied research dissertation students develop managerial expertise by interpreting, analysing and redefining action models. The dissertation is written in reference to a work placement and a career plan that are consistent with a specific sector of activity and managerial role.
An applied research dissertation should be thought of as a dissertation that aims to put forward the application of a selected action model.
In order to do this students are required to understand the complex construction of businesses’ managerial action strategies.

Submit your offer online

For mor information, please contact us