VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Jueves 6 de Marzo (en español) REGISTRATE AHORA

Centre for Unframed Thinking (CUT)

A new Institute for Advanced Study
Unframed Thinking
Interdisciplinary research at the highest international level.

The world’s first Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) based in a business school.


The Centre for Unframed Thinking (CUT) is an initiative of Rennes School of Business (Rennes SB) and its partners to foster interdisciplinary research at the highest international level. It contributes to the global effort to analyse the many complex issues raised by the current crises. These include climate change, emerging pandemics and technological transitions. These transitions have not only fueled major innovation and adaptation processes at the corporate level but have also generated fundamental questions from an individual or social perspective that cannot be convincingly addressed by simple adjustments to existing frameworks of thought.

In April 2023, CUT joined the consortium of French IEAs, FIAS (French Institutes for Advanced Study), co-financed by Europe (Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions). The CUT thus becomes the 7th IEA in the consortium, and Rennes the 7th city in the network after Aix-Marseille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Orléans-Tour and Paris.
The IEAs burst onto the French academic scene at the beginning of this century with the stated aim of boosting the internationalisation and excellence of research, particularly in the social sciences, following the model launched by Princeton almost a century ago.
Prof. Sarah Robinson, Executive director of the CUT, associate Dean for research

The CUT is the world’s first Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) based in a business school.

It is innovative in several ways:

  • It places ecology (and other life sciences), environmental and energy sciences, and technology studies at the heart of its scientific program. This choice is informed by the nature of the transitions underway and the associated strategic trends (e.g., decarbonisation and digitisation). This does not mean that the role of the social sciences and humanities will be minimised, as they will be mobilized to develop much-needed interdisciplinary research on management, leadership, learning, public policy, ethics, economic development, and geopolitics.
  • It welcomes practitioners and non-academics with relevant experience from national and international organisations, the public and private sectors, and the socio-economic spheres involved in the processes at hand. The CUT is also open to high-level independent intellectuals and avant-garde artists working on issues compatible with its (broad) agenda.
  • One of the particularities of the CUT as an institute of advanced studies is that it only hosts fellows in residence for relatively short periods of time, generally two weeks and no more than three months, in order to be as close as possible to the dynamics of the research projects underway at Rennes SB and its partners. Senior fellows, generally world-renowned researchers or senior managers, are appointed for three years and are involved in the incubation and development of long-term research projects at Rennes SB and with its partners.

Research programmes

Green Innovation and Climate Management

Co-directors of the programme:



Guillaume Bagnarosa

Dr Imen Nouira, Rennes School of Business

 Imen Nouira

Rahman Mahabubur associate professor Rennes School of Business

 Mahabub Rahman


During the last three decades, industrial and human activities have induced serious environmental problems and caused climate change worldwide. The harmful consequences of industrial activities on the environment have motivated stakeholders, especially government regulators and conscious consumers, to put pressure on industrial managers and to encourage or/and impel them to adopt and implement climate-friendly corporate strategies. Firms are thus constrained to rethink their existing business models and strategies to comply with these new environmental challenges, regulations and changes in consumption patterns. Environmental management and green Innovation are recognised as tools helping companies to reduce the impact of industrial systems and human activities on the environment. This programme will include talks, dialogues, debates and workshops across the two streams outlined below.

Green Innovation

Sixty percent of the earth’s natural environment has been degraded over the past few decades. Consequently, environmental degradation has moved from being a peripheral issue to a significant socioeconomic concern in the past decades. Green innovation initiatives are purported to be one of the crucial strategic orientations in dealing with the seemingly inexorable environmental degradation. A concerted effort, however, involving various types of governmental, intergovernmental, industrial and societal stakeholders is essential to develop and deploy effective green innovation activities. This stream explores the strategies, causes, consequences and barriers of green innovation at three broad levels: A) Country-level green innovation B) Industry-level green innovation C) Company-level green innovation. Further, this stream endeavors to shed light on how the interconnectedness between and among these three levels accelerates or decelerates the green innovation activities within a specific country/regional context. Thus, this research stream encompasses a multi-disciplinary topic that necessitates the integration of diverse perspectives such as sociological, political, financial, economic, ecological.

The salient objective of this stream is to develop and disseminate in-depth and comprehensive knowledge and insights about Green Innovation by integrating the varied perspectives of diverse actors/stakeholders that directly and indirectly impact the green innovation activities. To this end, we periodically organise conferences, seminars, symposiums, and roundtables to discuss and debate the critical issues pertaining to green innovation.

Climate Management

Climate change can (and will increasingly) affect our health, food production, infrastructures, safety and work conditions. While several sectors are particularly vulnerable to climate changes, such as agribusiness, tourism or insurance companies; some others like energy and transportation have already initiated their transition to limit the GHG emissions resulting from their activity, hence their contribution to the global warming. Each company within a given sector is characterised by a given capacity to adjust its management decisions to the current and future effects of climate change and a specific necessity to reduce the sources of GHG emissions. Furthermore, from standpoint of governments, the consequences of the climate change such as the rise in sea level, severe drought or floods have already compelled whole communities to relocate to limit the risk of famine. In the future, the number of “climate refugees” is expected to rise and to consequently require resolute government interventions.

This climate management stream focuses on solutions to anticipate the adverse effects of climate change on the economy and will propose appropriate action to prevent or minimise the damage they can cause. Furthermore, our research stream aims, through a cross-disciplinary approach, to help managers and policymakers to respectively take advantage of business opportunities or to anticipate/mitigate geopolitical risks that may arise.

GICM selected publications by CUT Senior fellows and RSB researchers:

  • G. Bagnarosa, M. Cummins, M. Dowling, F. Kearney (2022) “Commodity risk in European dairy firms”. European Review of Agricultural Economics 49, 151–181.
  • Crifo, P., Durand, R., Gond, J-P. 2019. Encouraging Investors to Enable Corporate Sustainability Transitions: The Case of Responsible Investment in France. Organization & Environment. 32(2), 125-144.
  • H. Ghazzai and R. Lahmandi-Ayed (2022). “Ecolabel: Is more information better”. Environmental Modelling & Assessment 27, 505-524.
  • R. Hammami, I. Nouira and Y. Frein (2018), “Effects of Customers’ Environmental Awareness and Environmental Regulations on the Emission Intensity and Price of a Product”. Decision Sciences 49, 1116-1155.
  • CD. Harvell, CE Mitchell, JR Ward, S. Altizer, A. Dobson, RS Ostfeld, MD Samuel (2002). “Climate warming and disease risks for terrestrial and marine biota”, Science 296, 2158-2162.
  • L. Landweber and A. Dobson (2019). Genetics and the extinction of species: DNA and the conservation of biodiversity. Princeton University Press
  • K. Medlock, T. Loch-Temzelides and S. Yu (2021). “COVID 19 and the value of safe transport in the United States”. Nature-Scientific Reports
  • Van der Ploeg, R., and T. van den Bremer (2021). “The risk-adjusted carbon price”. American Economic Review, 111, 9, 2782-2810.
  • M. Rahman (2023), “The virtuous circle between green product innovation and performance: The role of financial constraint and corporate brand”. Journal of Business Research 154, article 113296

Organising Towards or Against Extinction?

Co-directors of the programme:



Marco Michelotti


Sarah Robinson



Julia Roloff



This interdisciplinary programme, divided into three symposia streams, aims to explore how human organising can support the future development of sustainable organisational systems, advancing the future of humanity. Drawing on sociology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, social activism, as well as business and organisation studies, the three events will consist of interdisciplinary dialogues, debates and presentations between and by theorists, researchers, strategists, practitioners and activists, focusing on organising past, present and future respectively. We discuss how prevailing studies and theories of organisation, and interest representation have been complicit not only in the development of unstainable business practices and behaviours, but also in excluding alternative theoretical paradigms, negatively affecting efforts to develop (alternative) ideas. We follow how the legacy of such processes in the present-day poses ongoing threats to the development of more equitable and sustainable forms of organising and explore how to legitimize and adopt a variety of perspectives. The programme then strives to advance alternatives by highlighting present good practices and identifying future opportunities for organising against (rather than towards) global extinction and for improving societal and organizational structures. The programme will involve 5-6 CUT Senior Fellows, RSB speakers, and invited guest speakers including academics, activists and practitioners. The broad streams interwoven through the three symposia are as follows:

Sustainable Business Practices

Overconsumption: The use of materials, electricity, water and soil is growing more rapidly than the human population (United Nations 2020). In industrialised countries, the average age of household appliances and electronic devices has shrunken (Ala-Kurikka 2015) contributing to a general trend of consuming more products without improving well-being or lowering poverty levels. Recycling and closed-loop operations are imperfect solutions to address this problem as they still require the use of electricity and water and add to the environmental footprint of humankind.

Social investment and social entrepreneurship: Mission-driven businesses are doted as providing workable solutions on how to make societies more sustainable. In many countries new legal forms such as the société à mission (France) or the benefit corporation (USA) are promoted to make it more attractive to design a business that addresses one or more social and/or environmental objectives with their business activities. With the rise of social ventures, social impact investment is also growing and supported by policy-makers including the European Union.

Alleviating Social and Political Risks

The aim of this stream is to assess and propose solutions for the following risks: labour market risks, social security risks, representational security risks, political and geopolitical risks and health risks. Associated topics also include: migration, the rise of fascist/populist ideologies and the unintended consequences of the widespread adoption of monitoring technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) including, but not limited to, risks associated with singularity theory (Kurzweil 2005). This stream will study how these risks interact and may compound into possible disintegration of social and political institutions that media conflicts and provide a certain degree of societal cohesion.

Re-envisioning Leadership for the Future of Humanity

This stream (re-)envisions role of leadership in addressing the grand challenges of our current and future worlds: How can understanding the significance of leadership in the economic, political, technological and social relations of organisation and society work towards sustainable futures? How can alternative forms of leadership, for example, indigenous leadership, feminist, paradox and pragmatist-inspired leadership shed new light and understandings to guide and develop leaders in pivotal sectors, industries, political parties and social movements

OTAE selected publications by CUT senior fellows and RSB Faculty:

  • Kannampuzha, M. and Hockerts, K. (2019) “Organizational Social Entrepreneurship: Scale Development and Validation”. Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2019, p. 290-319.
  • Kerr, R. and Robinson, S (2012) “From symbolic violence to economic violence: The globalizing of the Scottish banking elite”. Organization Studies, vol 33 no. 2pp.247-266.
  • Mcnamara, T; Meloso, D; Michelotti, M; Puncheva-Michelotti, P (2022) “You are free to choose…are you? Organisational punishment as a productivity incentive in the social science literature”. Human Relations, Vol. 75(2) 322–34
  • Monteiro, P. and Adler, P (2022) “Bureaucracy for the 21st century: Clarifying and expanding our view of bureaucratic organization ,” Annals of the Academy of Management vol. 16, No.2 .
  • Nyland, C., Bruce, K. D., & Burns, P. (2014) “Taylorism, the International Labour Organization, and the genesis and diffusion of codetermination” Organization Studies, 35(8), 1149 – 1169.
  • Roloff, J., Longondjo Etambakonga, C.(2020) “Protecting environment or people? Pitfalls and merits of informal labor in the Congolese recycling industry”. Journal of Business Ethics Volume 161, pp. 815–834
  • Simpson, B., Harding, N., Fleming, P., Sergi, V., & Hussenot, A. (2021). “The integrative potential of process in a changing world: introduction to a special issue on power, performativity and process”. Organization Studies, 42(12), 1775-1794.
  • Taksa, Lucy (2019): “Remembering and incorporating migrant workers in Australian industrial heritage. Labour Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas, 16(1):81-105.

Knowledge in Society

Co-directors of the programme:

Balaji Makam


Andre Nemeh

Jean-Marie Bonnin

Technological development and innovation influence the evolution of societies and are in turn influenced by the way societies evolve. What are the new emerging patterns of technological development and innovation? How are these related to new attitudes toward innovation? How will they change the perception of what is good or not for society? Could we define a sustainable technological path along with all these dimensions and devise tools to implement it? KiS tackles these questions through a multidisciplinary approach where business and economics considerations are integrated with views from technology assessment and forecasting, ethics, knowledge diffusion, history and philosophy of science, as well as societal and political considerations. To this end, KiS connects the broad range of knowledge held by different stakeholders including academia, industry, civil society and policymakers.

Innovation ecosystems aiming at human-centered innovations

History is replete with examples of new technologies that were introduced too early, that didn’t really meet any need or want, eventually, ill-designed for the intended audience or socially unsuitable. In the context of accelerated technological change and global competition, firms should develop complex innovative solutions that require the interaction of multiple players. In this framework, the integration of knowledge and meaning is a key strategic dimension to keep the edge.
Innovation ecosystems and a meaningful development or application of technologies should not consider people only as the end of the process but incorporate wants, desires and aspirations at the very begin by taking a human-centered approach. A Human-centric stance is important to go beyond GDP in the search of new indicators incorporating well-being, for example, health and safety matter when we evaluate alternative choices. Implementation of human-centered innovation systems is key in this respect and will be a major axis in this CUT programme.

Innovation, ethics and power

A mindful approach to knowledge and innovation will help to rearticulate an old point: innovation has a direction, not only a rate of change. Choices about innovation are complex and often contested (e.g. issues with the acceptance of vaccines), and research on innovation should go beyond the opportunities offered by new technologies to consider the implication, desirability, and possible noxious consequences of some innovations on society at large. That is, bring an ethics-based reflection about the broad implications of innovations early enough in the innovation-diffusion process.
Indeed, in the initial phases of innovation diffusion, positive aspects tend to be overstated and negative ones underrated. New emerging technologies creates new opportunities but also generates new constraints. For example, a digital world is a world where some critical materials will matter and sourcing and recycling will be critical; a world partly driven by AI may limit the set of choices available to humans and induce severe disruptions in the balance of formal and informal power within and across communities and socioeconomic sectors. For a given market structure, including in a free-market economy, innovations can be indeed manipulated, calling for a better understanding of the role of powers in directing innovation.

Technology diplomacy and sovereignty

After decades of free markets, privatizations and unsupervised growth, recent major crises (e.g., financial, climate, COVID, Ukraine war) sparked a rethinking of the current economic model, and the way economies and global players interact. Strategic autonomy of key technologies is gaining momentum, among others because a strong role in world geopolitics, like the defense of democracy, requires a certain degree of autonomy. Nowadays the control of key emerging technologies related to health, climate, and digitalization is a rising policy concern at both national and European level.
Economic and management theories have been developed largely disregarding power and geopolitics. Concepts like power, sovereignty, security or resilience should inform new theories and cross-fertilization from different disciplines is a key factor to advance our understanding of innovation in a globalized world.


KiS selected publications by CUT senior fellows and RSB faculty:

  • Alcalde-Unzu, J., J. Moreno Ternero and S. Weber (2022). “The measurement of the value of a language“. Journal of Economic Theory, Forthcoming.
  • Filippetti, A., and A. Vezzani (2022). “The political economy of public research, or why some governments commit to research more than others”. Technological Change and Social Forecasting 176, article 121482.
  • T. Gajdos, I. Régner, P. Huguet, J. Sackur, J.-C. Vergnaud, M. Hainguerlot, V. de Gardelle (2019). “Does social context impact metacognition? Evidence from stereotype threat in a visual search”, PLoS ONE.
  • Kapoor P., Balaji, M. and Jiang, Y. (2022), “Greenfluencers as Agents of Social Change: The Effectiveness of Sponsored Messages in driving Sustainable Consumption”. European Journal of Marketing.
  • Rodrigo, S., JM. Bonnin and T. Ernst (2018). “AD4ON: An ITS-based Decision Making Architecture for Opportunistic Networking”. International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services 11 (1-2), 11-21
  • Shi C., C. Tercero, X. Wu, S. Ikeda, K. Komori, K. Yamamoto, F. Arai, T. Fukuda (2016). “Real‐time in vitro intravascular reconstruction and navigation for endovascular aortic stent grafting”. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted Surgery 12, 648-657.
  • Paré, Zaven (2016). L’âge d’or de la robotique japonaise. Editions Belles Lettres, Paris.

Learning & teaching experience

These incubators are a way of ensuring the expertise of CUT visitors contributes to the School’s L&T development. We aim to develop a ‘deep conversation’ around learning and teaching  by a) thinking about how to embed the research topics/interests of the visitors into our teaching curriculum and b) learning from them about the processes of L&T in their institutions  c)  showcasing our own practices on a given topic to our visitors and jointly sharing ideas (for best practice) d) exploring any possibilities for collaboration (e.g. pedagogic projects, writing collaborations and possible funding bids).
As well as contributing to the research culture of the school many of our CUT visitors and Senior Fellows have contributed to the learning and teaching activities of the school in the following ways:

CUT Learning and Teaching Incubator

This is a means of ensuring that the expertise of CUT visitors contributes to the RSB’s Learning and Teaching (L&T) development. We aim to develop a ‘deep conversation’ around learning and teaching by a) thinking about how to embed the research topics/interests of the visitors into our teaching curriculum, b) learning from them about the processes of L&T in their institutions, c) showcasing our own practices on a given topic and jointly sharing ideas (for best practice), and d) exploring any possibilities for collaboration (e.g. pedagogic projects, writing collaborations and possible funding bids).

Learning and teaching incubator 1: Sustainable education

On the 6th March 2023 we welcomed Dr Maribel Basco and Professor Annemette Kjærgaard from Copenhagen Business School. They talked about the development of ‘Permahaven’ a permaculture garden on the grounds of CBS as a pedagogic project to help students to understand biodiversity and well-being issues. They also presented the Nordic Nine capabilities: a pedagogic framework to inspire students to contribute to solving societal challenges with compassion for themselves, others and the planet.

Learning and teaching incubator 2: Diversity education

On 3rd May 2023, Professor Lucy Taksa (Deakin University, Australia), Professor Carole Elliott (University of Sheffield, UK), and Professor Elena Antonacopoulou (Ivey Business School, Canada) led a discussion on Diversity Education which covered both embedding diversity research into the curriculum and also developing pedagogic practices to cater for student (and faculty) diversity.  Themes included the integration of gender and diversity issues into the business school curriculum and the development of ‘pedagogy of responsibilisation’ towards ‘the other’.

CUT Leadership forum

This is an event whereby CUT visitors share their expertise with future leaders (e.g. IMBA students) and present leaders (e.g. EMBA and alumni). The Leadership Forum is open to students, alumni, business leaders, policy makers and leadership and management scholars.  The aims of this forum is to act as a space to re-envision leadership that could serve to equip individuals, groups and communities to engage with the grand challenges of our time and of the future in dealing with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Scholars and practitioners present their experiences, approaches and theories of leadership and/or empirical research for discussion and debate. Emphasis is placed on the discussion of leadership development in terms of appropriate skills and competencies for leading in complex and challenging times.

Leadership forum 1: This first forum took place at our Paris Campus on 5th May 2023, with the theme of visons and delusions of leadership for and of the future, where we started to (re-) envision what responsible and sustainable leadership could look like, moving deeper into the 21st century and grappling with its many societal, economic, organisational and environmental challenges. We also confronted some of the delusions concerning what leadership can or can’t do and who can or can’t lead. In so doing we embraced diversity and inclusiveness and considered how to best equip organisational actors with suitable skills and competencies for rising to these challenges and for ensuring human and global flourishing. There were 5 practitioner and academic speakers including three CUT Senior fellows: Dr Andrew S Nevin (PwC Nigeria and University of Texas), Professor Lucy Taksa (Deakin University, Australia), Dr Elke Weik (University of Southern Denmark), Professor Carole Elliott (Sheffield University, UK) and Professor Elena Antonacopoulou (Western University, Canada).

Leadership forum 2: on 12th September we welcomed Professor Greg Bamber from Monash University, Australia to RBS Rennes where he led a Leadership forum attended by the IMBA students.
His talk Artificial Intelligence: Changing Management and Work? touched on leadership challenges around the futures of management, marketing, work, employment, HRM and employment relations against the background of the increasing use in the world of work of new technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalisation, including ChatGPT, and other natural language processing tools that are driven by AI technologies.

CUT fellowships

A distinctive feature of CUT as an Institute for Advanced Study is that it hosts relatively short fellowships, generally starting at two weeks and lasting for no longer than 3 months (a typical fellowship in the IAS system is one semester or an academic year). This choice is essentially in order to avoid compromising on the scientific excellence criterion and to stick as closely as possible to the dynamics of the research projects underway at Rennes SB and with its partners.

As standard in the IAS system, fellows are external to Rennes SB and its partners. They are invited and/or selected upon public calls to foster interactions at the highest level with Rennes SB and their partners’ researchers. In the case of CUT, fellows are either leading national or international researchers, distinguished non-academic experts from the socioeconomic sphere and major national and international institutions, or independent intellectuals and artists.

Three forms of fellowship:

  • Senior fellows: Appointed for one year, with up to two visits per year. These recurrent visiting fellows are mainly involved in the incubation and elaboration of long-term research projects. They may also be solicited for mentoring or occasional teaching/public engagement events (see below).
  • Visiting fellows: This category corresponds to short-term visitors, typically one or two weeks. They are mostly invited to participate in a given event (to CUT campuses, for example, see below) or to contribute to a specific research/advising task.
  • FIAS Fellows: 3 FIAS fellows are Selected per year by a FIAS committee, they are appointed for 10 months, co-financed by the FIAS COFUND MSCA.


Senior fellows

Michael Adjemian

Paul Adler

Elena Antonacopoulou

Michael Asslaender

Emmanuelle Augeraud Veron

Volodymyr Babich

Bahador Bahrami

Gibson Burrell

Olivier Chanel

Claudia Codeço

Patricia Crifo

Tina Dacin

Herbert Dawid

Estevam de las Casas

Alain Desdoigts

Andy Dobson

Andreas Drichoutis

Robin Duponnois

Carole Elliott

Isabel Escada


Giorgio Fabbri


Omid Fatahi Valilai


Declan French


Toshio Fukuda

Alan Fustec

Thibault Gajdos

Eric Girardin

Lesly Goh

Fausto Gozzi

Kai Hockerts

Dmitry Ivanov

Neil Kent

Rim Lahmandi-Ayed

Mark Learmonth

Nour Meddahi

Franco Miglietta

Juan Moreno-Ternero

María Jesús Muñoz Torres

Martin Nielsen

Chris Nyland

Zaven Pare

Mercedes Pascual

Gareth Peters

Emmanuel Picavet

Aude Pommeret

Walter Posch

Doug Renwick

Weihua Ruan

Barbara Simpson

Lucy Taksa

Ted Temzelides

Rick Van der Ploeg

Aline Veillat

Harry Wu

Xiaodong Zhu

David Fuller

Fellows in residency

FIAS  Fellows in  residency in 2024-2025

Sören Köpke, Fellow in residency, Rennes SBDr. Sören Köpke is a political scientist. He has studied Political Science, English Literature and American Studies at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, and University College Galway, Ireland. He was also a professional TV journalist in his hometown Hannover for two decades (2002-2023). Sören Köpke was awarded a PhD in political science at Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Faculty, Braunschweig Institute of Technology, Germany, in 2018 with a dissertation linking climate change, natural resources conflict and development. Since 2018, he has been working as a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany. He has undertaken field research on several occasions, most frequently in Sri Lanka.
His current research interests lie in conservation governance and wildlife management, in agricultural development policy and in water politics.
The research project he will undertake in the scope of the FIAS fellowship at CUT Rennes, “The Conservation State”, aims at a theoretical understanding of state agency in nature conservation from the critical perspective of political ecology.

Rim Lahmandi-Ayed, Fellow in residency, Rennes SBRim Lahmandi-Ayed is a full professor of economics at the Higher School of Statistics and Information Analysis (ESSAI, University of Carthage), a public engineering school in Tunisia (2011-2017).  In 2014, she founded and managed an «Economic and Statistic Modeling and Analysis » research laboratory until 2023. She founded and had managed a research master in economic modeling and econometrics at the Tunisia Polytechnic School (2004-2013). She is a graduate of the prestigious French engineering school, École Polytechnique, and a doctor in economics. She is a member of the steering committee of the Euro-African Conference in Finance and Economics (now the Mediterranean Workshop of Economic Theory, SAET), and has been a member of the scientific and organising committee of all its editions since 2006. She supervised 4 doctoral theses, in collaboration with French colleagues from Paris 1 and Aix-Marseille and has published numerous articles on industrial economics and economic theory, in relation to product differentiation, labor market, general equilibrium, globalisation, poverty, environment and education. She is associate editor of the Journal of Public Economic Theory, the Journal of Mathematical Economics and the International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. She was elected in 2022 as fellow of the Econometric Society and as an Economic Theory fellow. She has been an elected member of the Africa Regional Standing Committee of the Econometric Society since January 2024.

Ida Skubis, Fellow in residency, Rennes SBDr Ida Skubis – Assistant Professor at the Silesian University of Technology. She has a PhD degree and an MA degree in four languages: English, German, French and Spanish.
She has professional experience in academia and business – she worked in managerial positions for international companies and lived in various countries, namely Spain, Greece, France and Austria. Currently, she is the CEO of a Housing Community.
Ida Skubis was granted scholarships/fellowships in Germany, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has participated in numerous international conferences in Poland and abroad and is involved in various AI projects. She is a reviewer for international journals on topics of AI.
Her research interests are AI, AI in Management, AI in Tourism and Hospitality, Ethics of AI, Bioethics, AI in Medicine, Digital Health, AI in Linguistics, the human-centric approach of AI, chatbots, robots, social robots, humanoid robots, sex robots, human-robot interaction, NLP, MT, IE, NER, entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership and decision-making. She received numerous scholarships and awards for her scientific research.
At Rennes School of Business, Ida Skubis leads an interdisciplinary project whose objective is to analyse the policy documents, legislative proposals, principles, guidelines and regulations and other documents related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies issued by the European Union and by selected EU member countries: Germany, Austria, France, Spain and Poland.


Besides producing ideas to serve in the elaboration of high-level research projects, CUT’s activity will take various forms not only in research (the main output) but also in teaching and public engagement. Here comes a short list of selected events.

Scientific events (SE)

This ranges from the regular monthly CUT seminar to the CUT Campus event (once or twice per year) to occasional seminars or workshops organised according to the presence of interesting academic and/or non-academic personalities in the close neighbourhood or under the solicitation of local and national partners. CUT campuses are meant to bring together once or twice per year (on campus and/or virtually) a group of CUT fellows and researchers from Rennes SB and partners to exchange (and initiate projects) on chosen topics. They include conferences/lectures given by the fellows and group work in close relation to the UBIAS Intercontinental Academy model.

Educational events (EE)

Fellows will be occasionally invited to teach PhD courses (upon prior agreements) with a dedicated CUT Doctoral Lectures series or to give conferences for the
Programme Grande Ecole following arrangements with the managers of this component of Rennes SB. Rennes SB partners who are involved in CUT could also take advantage of this arrangement.

Public engagement events (PE)

This is an essential component of the CUT programme in order to raise local visibility. The idea is to organise a series of CUT Public Conferences for the general public, typically organised outside the Rennes SB and partner campuses. It is envisaged to organise five to six such conferences per academic year.

CUT Events 2023-2024

11/09/2023 : CUTIS – New Technologies – ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digitalisation: What are the Futures of Work, Employment, HRM and Employment Relations? Professor Greg Bamber,Monash Business School; Professor Balaji Makam, RSB; Professor Petya Puncheva, RSB; Professor Marco Marcholetti, RSB. (SE)

25/10/2023 : CUTIS – Researching Gender in Organisations. Professor Carole Elliott, University of Sheffield, (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Lara Bertola, RSB. (SE)

29/11/2023 : A framework of green and sustainable innovation: A status-quo analysis. Professor Ahm Shamsuzzoha, university of Vaasa; Bridging sustainability knowledge management and supply chain learning: evidence through buyer selection Professor Minelle Silva (Asper School of Business); Smart Supply Chains at the Service of Sustainable Digital Off-Site Construction, Professor Amin Chaabane (Ecole de technologies Supérieure de Montréal); Resource Mobility and Market Performance, Professor Luca Colombo (RSB). (SE)

30/11/2023: CUTIS – Fostering Critical Thinking and Learning for Sustainable futures

; Elena Antonacopoulou, University of Lincoln (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Viatcheslav Dmitriev, RSB. (SE)

01/12/2023 : CUTIS – Green Innovation challenges : evidence from food waste management and social sustainability; Professor Amin Chaabane (Ecole de technologies Supérieure de Montréal); Professor Tanveer Ashan, RSB. (SE)

30/01/2024 : A study of social behaviors from ethology to robotics/ Robots in the Danish hospital sector; Zaven paré, Artist; Professor Jette Ernst, University of Roskilde. (SE)

07/02/2024 : CUTIS – Building Better Businesses through Impact Investments; Christoph Poline, Director at Schneider Electric; Professor Jessica Jeffers, HEC Paris; Professor Dieter Van Walleghem, RSB; Julia Roloff, RSB. (SE)

16/02/2024 : FMCO/CUT – A talk marking the opening of the Diversity & Integrity; Renee Adams, University of Oxford (SE)

07/03/2024 : CUTIS – Gamification for Businesses: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Dr. Abhishek Behl, Management Development Institute Gurgaon; Assessing the Effectiveness of Environmental Sustainability Performance Communication in Tourism: Mediation and Moderation Effects, Professor Balaji Maka, RSB. (SE)

19/03/2024 : CUTIS – Women and Finance/professional services; Professor Lucy Taksa, Deakin University (CUT Senior Fellow), Professor Nathalie Bitbol-Saba, Paris School of Business; Professor Roman Matkovskyy, RSB; Professor Akansha Jalan, RSB. (SE)

28/03/2024 : CUTIS – Informativeness of farmland prices and newspaper content, Professor Sergio Lence, Iowa State University, Professor Guillaume Bagnarosa, RSB. (SE)

28/03/2024 : Quel modèle de transition pour le secteur agricole ? Professor Hippolyte D’Albis, Paris School of economics ; Professor Alexandre Gohin, INRAe. (PE)

4/04/2024: Conference supported by Rennes Metropole & Region Bretagne : Nuturing Tomorrow: Developing managers and leaders for sustainable futures – Ideas Incubator co organized with IGR Rennes , Professor Elena Antonacopoulou, University of Lincoln (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Gibson Burrell, Manchester University; Professor Jean-François Chanlat, Paris Dauphine ; Professor Karen Dale, Lancaster University; Professor Carole Elliott; University of Sheffield (CUT Senior Fellow) ; Professor Alain Klarsfeld, Toulouse Business School; Professor Barbara Simpson, University of Strathcycle (CUT Senior Fellow) ; Professor Lucy Taksa, Deakin University (CUT Senior Fellow). (SE), (EE)

23/04/2024 : CASA – Building coalitions for the climate ; Professor Rick Van Der Ploeg, Oxford University (CUT Senior Fellow) Professor Cristiano Ricci, University of Pisa; Professor Luca Colombo, RSB. (SE)

02/05/2024: CUTIS – Marketing in the Metaverse: Opportunities and way forward, Professor Neeraj Pandey, University of Dehradun (SE)

3-4/06/2024 : 9th Conference Euro-Africaine en Finance et Economie/ Mediterranean Workshop in Economic Theory supported by Rennes Metropole and Region Bretagne co organized with ENSAI. Keynotes speakers: Professor Olivier Chanel, AMSE, Aix Marseille University (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Evi Pappa, Universidad Carlos III; Professor Gabrielle Demanges, EHESS; Professor Matthias Doepke, London School of Economics. (SE), (EE)

06/05/2024 : CASA – Land use, food and health, Professor Emmanuelle Augeron-Veron, Bordeaux School of Economics (CUT Senior Fellow), Professor Youenn Lohéac, RSB; Professor Marta Leocata, LUISS University of Rome. (SE)

17/05/2024 : G3D/CUT – When it’s the slaves that pay: in search of a fair due diligence cost distribution in mineral supply chains, Professor Constantin Blome, Lancaster University Leipzig; Doing good and doing bad: The impact of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility on firm performance, Professor Wenbin Sun, Helzberg school of management; Analysis of Anti-Counterfeiting with Deceptive Counterfeits, Jason Bian, RSB. (SE)

21/05/2024 : An AI-Generated Image Worth a Thousand Words? Field and Experimental Evidence on Value From Regulatory Fit for AI Imagery, Professor Ashish S Galande, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur; It is a match! The effect of regulatory fit on new products recommendations, Professor Balaji Makam, RSB. (SE)

27/06/2024: RTO/CUT – Capacity Building Seminar: Researching Wellbeing and Workplace Quality of Life, Professor Marjana Johansson, University of Glasgow; Professor Caroline Rulier, IGR; Professor Sarah Robinson, RSB; Professor Ronald Clarke, RSB. (SE)

CUT Events 2022-2023

  • 9-10 October 2023: Rennes SB Summit
  • 3-4 May 2023: Symposium 3 (SE)
  • 6-7 March 2023: Symposium 2 (SE)
  • 26 January 2023: CUTIS on Spatio-temporal modeling of climate risk – TBC (SE)
  • 18 January 2023: Public Conferences: Is there a Chinese model? Understanding the Chinese vision and strategy (PE): Professor Jean-François Huchet Président de l’Inalco ; Professor Irène Hors est Senior Associate Fellow à MERICS; Professor Eric Girardin, University of Aix-Marseille; Minggang Zhang, Joint General Director of Huawei
  • 9-10 January 2023: COVID RSB-CUT/ANR/Sorbonne Conference: Professor Aditya Goenka, University of Birmingham; Professor Ted Temzelides Rice University (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Andrew Dobson Princeton University (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Patrick Pintus CNRS & AMSES; Professor Céline Azémar RSB; Giorgi Fabbri, CNRS Université de Grenoble; Professor Nouhoum Touré CES University Paris 1; Imen Nouira RSB; Professor Jérôme Frans Addas Bocconi University; Professor Rodolphe Desbordes Skema Business School (SE)
  • 6 December 2022: Symposium 1 (part 2): Professor Todd Bridgeman and Professor Stephen Cummings, Victoria University of Wellington; Professor Lucy Taksa, Deakin University (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Chris Nyland, Monash University (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Paul Adler, University of Southern California (CUT Senior Fellow) (SE)
  • 5 December 2022: Symposium 1 (part 1): Professor Sonja Sperber, University of Vienna; Professor Yvonne Benschop, Radboud University; Professor Michael Stefan Aßländer, University of Dresden (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Robert Boutilier, Stakeholder 360 and University of Eastern Finland ;
  • 1 December 2022: EU proposal presentation (EE)
  • 28-29 November 2022: CAID-Artificial Intelligence & digitalization: Professor Zhengtao Ding, University of Manchester; Professor  Arnaud de la Fortelle, HEEX Technologies & CAOR (Mines Paris), Professor Giulio Mecacci, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behaviour (The Netherlands); Professor Aurélie Dommes, Gustave Eiffel University, Paris; Professor Herbert Dawid, Bielefeld University, Germany, (CUT senior fellow); Professor Juan Moreno Ternero, University Paolo Olavide Sevilla, (CUT Senior fellow);Professor Rim Lahmandi-Ayed, University of Carthage Tunisia,( CUT Senior fellow); Professor Jean-Marie Bonnin, IMT, Rennes, Professor Bahador Bahrami,  Ludwig Maxmilian University, Munich (CUT Senior Fellow); Professor Thibault Gajdos, CNRS-Aix-Marseille University, (CUT Senior fellow) (SE)
  • 4 November 2022: CASA-CUT Conference on Agribusines & Sustainable Agriculture – Climate Change: Professor Guillaume Bagnarosa, Professor Rick Van der Ploeg (University of Oxford and Senior Fellow CUT), Professor François Le Grand (RSB), Professor Imen Nouira (RSB); Professor Dhamir Mannai (co-chair of Advisory Group on Energy Governance at UNDP, Deerfield Cyberdefense, France), Professor Alex Gohin (INRAe France) (SE)
  • 27 October 2022: CUTIS ‘Research on Diversity Management: two perspectives: Professor Lucie Taksa (Senior Fellow CUT- Deakin University, Australia) & Professor Sophie Hennekam (RSB) (SE)
  • 24 October 2022: Quelle(s) politique(s) pour faire face à l’inflation en ces temps de crises  ? Alain Durré, économiste en chef, Goldman Sachs France; Xavier Ragot, Président de l’OFCE ; Professor  Alain Kirman Directeur d’études à l’EHESS (PE)
  • 19 October 2022: From the Workshop to the Laboratory: Dr Zaven Pare (CUT senior Fellow) & Dr. Alexander Niess (Rennes SB (EE)
  • 28 September 2022: CUTIS – Human Robots: Dr. Zaven Paré (RSB) et Professor Simon Thevenin (IMT Atlantique) (SE)

Stay up to date with all upcoming events on the School’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts…

Managing team

CUT is managed by Faculty members of Rennes SB and its partners. It includes the director – Sarah Robinson and the programme directors of CUT. The Team is coordinated by the Administrator, Christèle Wright.


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