Quick Chat With… Ziyang, MSc Student
What is Rennes School of Business like? Let’s just ask our students.

Today we asked a few questions to Ziyang WU, a Chinese student who is graduating in the MSc in International Management at Rennes School of Business. He is now doing an internship at IBM in Belgium.
Studying at Rennes School of Business is a first step to be international!
Hello Ziyang, how would you describe your experience at Rennes School of Business in a few words?
To sum-up, I would say that I was involved in an international environment and gained more practice in several business fields.
And now, 3 things you like the most about your school?
For starters, I like the global organizational behavior in the school. Also, it is located in Rennes, which is a small and cozy city! And finally, professors have their own national features which makes them unique.
Why would you recommend Rennes SB to other students?
Studying an MSc at Rennes School of Business is a short-term solution to gain intensive experience. It is also a first step to be international!